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Title: Морфологические аспекты влияния настойки эхинацеи пурпурной на яички облученных электромагнитным полем крыс
Other Titles: Морфологічні аспекти впливу настоянки ехінацеї пурпурової на яєчка опромінених електромагнітним полем щурів
Morphological aspects of the influence of the purple echinacea tinctures on the testicles of rats which were irradiated with the electromagnetic field
Authors: Шарапова, Е. Н.
Кушнарева, Е. А.
Шарапова, О. М.
Кушнарьова, К. А.
Sharapova, Ye. N.
Kushnaryova, Ye. A.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Citation: Шарапова Е. Н. Морфологические аспекты влияния настойки эхинацеи пурпурной на яички облученных электромагнитным полем крыс / Е. Н. Шарапова, Е. А. Кушнарева // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 1 (135).– С. 319–321.
Abstract: В експерименті на щурах виявлено появу аутоімунних процесів у тканині яєчок щурів, які опромінювалися електромагнітним полем високої напруги низької частоти, а потім одержували імуномодулятор у вигляді 7% настоянки ехінацеї пурпурової. Статистично доведено збільшення діаметру сім’яних канальців та площини сім’яної тканини яєчок щурів, що були опромінені ЕМП і вживали імуномодулятор; В эксперименте на крысах доказано возникновение аутоиммунных процессов в ткани семенников, которые облучались электромагнитным полем высокого напряжения низкой частоты, а затем получали иммуномодулятор в виде 7% настойки эхинацеи пурпурной. Статистически доказано увеличение диаметра семенных канальцев и площади семенной ткани яичек облученных крыс, которые затем употребляли иммуномодулятор; After the action of various damaging factors of physical, chemical, infectious etiology is the disruption of the immunological isolation of germ cells which leads to immune relationship between sexual and immunological competent cells. Autoimmune processes play the important role in the development of destructive changes in the parenchyma of the testicles. Experimental data indicate that the injured testicles can be represented as the target for aggression by the immune system organs. According to the hypothesis about the immunological mechanism of post-traumatic destruction of the seminiferous tubules the development of the pathological process in the body occurs as the result of trauma disorders blood – testicle barrier of the testicles. The purpose of the study was to determine morphological changes in the rats’ testicles exposed to electromagnetic field of high voltage low frequency. To repair damaged layers of the seminiferous tubules and of the bloodtestis barrier structures, the solution of immunomodulator – 7% alcohol tincture of Echinacea purpurea was used in the experiment. Material for the study was the sex glands of 30 male albino rats weighing 250-300 g, which were irradiated by the electromagnetic field with the voltage of 750 kV, 50 Hz voltage of 10 kV/m for 30 days, then for weeks they were injected 7-8% alcohol tincture of Echinacea purpurea based 0,0018 ml/g of animal weight intragastrically. The control group consisted of 5 rats. After applying tincture of Echinacea purpurea in the testicles of irradiated animals their circulation improved and regeneration of injured tissue accelerated. The diameter of the seminiferous tubules of the testicles was increased to 238,35±0,85 μm when benchmarks 220,12±2,35 μm. The lumen of the tubule filled with seminal fluid in which there were the large numbers of formed spermatozoa. Tendency to the restoration and preservation of anatomic and functional integrity of seminiferous tubules and seminiferous epithelium was observed. Spermatids and spermatocytes 1,2 – order full of spermatozoa appeared more and more. Cells Sertoli differentiated together with these cells. The destroyed desmosomal contacts between Sertoli cells were restored. Тhe process of phagocytosis by Sertoli cells structurally altered cells of spermatogenic epithelium was decreased. The interendothelial compounds restored in the wall of the capillaries, that contributed decreasing formed elements of blood in the extracellular space and improve the blood supply to the testicle. The content of convoluted seminiferous tubules increased, germ epithelium regenerated, and venous outflow of the testicles improved, blood-testis barrier structure was renovated. Conducted investigations have shown that changes in the testicles are manifested in the increase in the diameter and content of convoluted seminiferous tubules, regeneration of germ epithelium, and the appearance of all cells of the spermatogenic epithelium after using tinctures of Echinacea purpurea by the electromagnetic field irradiated animals. The result of this research became assumption that the structure of hematotesticular barrier of the testis of irradiated animals after the applying of Echinacea purpurea is recovered in the certain period. The timing of regeneration of structural components hematotesticular barrier may provide to researchers a new approach in solving such problems as circulatory disorders with organ-saving operations on the testicle, transplantation of the testicle. Considering the obtained data, it is necessary to take into account the possible negative effects of electromagnetic field on the sex glands in the treatment with physiotherapy apparatus diseases of lumbosacral spine, organs of pelvis, lower extremities. Also to recommend using Echinacea purpurea in the treatment diseases of the genitourinary system, which are accompanied by circulatory disturbance in the testis.
Keywords: щур
сім’яні канальці
ехінацея пурпурова
семенные канальца
эхинацея пурпурная
семенные канальца
эхинацея пурпурная
seminiferous tubules
Echinacea purpurea
ISSN: 2523-4110
Appears in Collections:Вісник проблем біології і медицини, Випуск 1 (135)

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