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Title: Поширеність ожиріння серед дітей та асоційовані з ним ризики розвитку неінфекційних захворювань
Other Titles: Распространенность ожирения у детей и ассоциированные с ним риски развития неинфекционных заболеваний
The prevalence of obesity among children and its associated risks of noncontagious diseases
Authors: Заболотна, І. Е.
Іскренко, І. М.
Заболотная, И. Э.
Искренко, И. Н.
Zabolotna, I. E.
Iskrenko, I. M.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Citation: Заболотна І. Е. Поширеність ожиріння серед дітей та асоційовані з ним ризики розвитку неінфекційних захворювань / І. Е. Заболотна, І. М. Іскренко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 2 (136). – С. 120–123.
Abstract: За результатами аналізу форм №30/о ДКЦ ДНУ «НПЦ ПКМ» ДУС встановлено, що діти з ожирінням є групою підвищеного ризику розвитку плоскоступності (ВР = 3,38), міопії (ВР = 2,07), спазму сфінктеру Одді (ВР = 13,52), розладів вегетативної нервової системи у підлітковому віці (ВР = 2,09). Скринінг щодо виявлення надлишкової маси тіла та асоційованих з нею захворювань серед дітей сприятиме зниженню соціально значимих неінфекційних захворювань як серед дитячого, так і серед дорослого населення; По результатам анализа форм №30/о ДКЦ ГНУ «НПЦ ПКМ» ГУД установлено, что дети с ожирением являются группой повышенного риска развития плоскостопия (ОР = 3,38), миопии (ОР = 2,07), спазма сфинктера Одди (ОР = 13,52), расстройств вегетативной нервной системы в подростковом возрасте (ОР =2,09). Скрининг детей на выявление избыточной массы тела и ассоциированных с ней заболеваний будет способствовать снижению социально значимых неинфекционных заболеваний как среди детского, так и среди взрослого населения; Preventing obesity in childhood is a major focus of primary prevention of the most common noncontagious diseases. Planning work on obesity prevention at health care facility is not possible without the evaluation of the prevalence rate of obesity among the child population, attached to the health care and the risks assessment of diseases associated with overweight. The aim – to examine the prevalence of obesity among the children, attached to medical services of health care institutions and determine their risk of chronic diseases progression. Object and methods. The analysis of primary records of №30/o baby consultative and diagnostic center of State Scientific Institution «Scientific and Practical Centre of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» of State Administration was performed. Strong relationships between obesity and the presence of chronic diseases in children on terms of relative risks (RR) and the likelihood of development of obesity chronic diseases in children on odds ratio (OR) indicators were defined. Confidence intervals for these indicators that we have taken over 95%, calculated limit of the risk of error — less than 5% (p<0.05). Results and discussion. The overall prevalence of obesity among children, and obesity prevalence in the age groups of children cared in State Scientific Institution «Scientific and Practical Centre of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» of State Administration are significantly higher than the corresponding findings for Ukraine and the Kiev city. Current research on the epidemiology of obesity indicate the existence of significant differences in the prevalence of obesity indices among the population as between countries as between domestic and socio-economic groups of countries. Ukraine is also characterized by variability in regional prevalence of obesity among children. Thus, with its average rate among children in Ukraine 13.50 per 1000 child population, the highest prevalence of obesity is 28.45 per 1,000 children (Vinnytsia region), the lowest — 6.47 per 1000 children (Luhansk region). It was determined that obese children are at increased risk of platypodia acquired (RR = 3,38; CI95%: 1,85-6,17), myopia (RR = 2,07; CI95%: 1,15-3, 72), spasm of sphincter of Oddi (RR = 13,52; 95% CI:2,5-73,15), disorders of the involuntary nervous system during adolescence (RR = 2,09; CI95%: 1,15-3,8). Probability of these diseases in children with obesity compared with children without it: platypodia – almost 4 times (OR = 3,6; CI95%: 1,87-6,94), myopia – 2 times (RR = 3.6; CI95%: 1,87-6,94), spasm of sphincter of Oddi – 13 times (RR = 13,73; CI95%: 2,49-75,7), disorders of the autonomic nervous system during adolescence – almost 3 times (RR = 2,67; CI95%: 1,09-6,54). Conclusions. Children suffering from obesity have an increased risk of noncontagious diseases. Therefore, children with overweight can be seen as at risk of not only obesity but also its associated pathological conditions and diseases. However, the statistics of children overweight in Ukraine is unknown, as remains unknown their medical condition. Work at primary level of medical care screening to identify children with overweight, their accounting, medical and sociological monitoring will contribute to realization of attachment to health care contingent noninfectious risk management strategy.
Keywords: діти
надлишкова маса тіла
избыточная масса тела
ISSN: 2523-4110
Appears in Collections:Вісник проблем біології і медицини, Випуск 2 (136)

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