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Title: Деонтологічний підхід до підготовки майбутніх лікарів-стоматологів
Other Titles: Deontological approach toward professional training of future dental doctors
Деонтологический подход к подготовке будущих стоматологов
Authors: Вербовська, Р. І.
Вербовская, Р. И.
Verbovska, R. I.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Citation: Вербовська Р. І. Деонтологічний підхід до підготовки майбутніх лікарів-стоматологів / Р. І. Вербовська // Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини: Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії. – 2019. – Т. 19, вип. 1 (65). – С. 93–96.
Abstract: Стаття присвячена питанням медичної етики та деонтології, сутності деонтологічного підходу до підготовки майбутніх лікарів-стоматологів. Морально-етична складова є одним із важливих критеріїв готовності майбутніх лікарів до якісної професійної діяльності на рівні сучасних досягнень медицини, Необхідність деонтологічного підходу до підготовки майбутніх лікарівстоматологів обумовлена зростаючими вимогами до рівня спеціальної та загальнокультурної підготовки майбутніх медичних працівників. Різні аспекти формування деонтологічної культури майбутніх лікарів знайшли відображення в працях С. Вітенко, Н. Касевич, Ю. Колісник-Гуменюк, Н. Пасєчко. Це поняття було ключовим у дисертаційних роботах таких вчених, як: А. Агаркова, Т. Ігнатьєва, Ю. Євтушенко, І. Камінська, Л. Переймибіда, ін.
The article is devoted to the issues of medical ethics and deontology, the essence of the deontological approach to the training of future dental doctors. The moral and ethical components are one of the important criteria demonstrating the readiness of future doctors to a high quality professional activity that would meet at demands of the latest medical achievements. Modern medical reform requires the improvement of the medical education system in order to prepare highly skilled health care specialists. A new generation of healthcare professionals should continuously improve and deepen their professional knowledge, be quick in handling complicated clinical situations and making adequate decisions, and demonstrate a high level of deontological culture. Scientists point out the growing requirements for the professional training of the doctors in general and for the level of their deontological culture in particular: "A few decades ago, the content of medical ethics was exhausted by two problems: first, the rules of the behaviour of medical personnel in relation to patients, and, secondly, the rules of the relationship in the medical corporation Today, radical revisions are subject to traditional problems, as well as many new problems. All this led to the need for an integrated approach to these problems and, above all, to the need and integration of theoretical and practical medicine and ethics". General moral and ethical requirements for the activities of medical workers are represented in a number of leading state and international regulatory documents that regulate the theoretical, organizational and methodological basis for the training of future health care professionals and outline the main directions toward the fostering their deontological culture, namely: the International Code of Medical Ethics adopted The General Assembly of the World Medical Association (London, 1949), the provisions of the Geneva Declaration (International Oath of Physicians) (1948), the Ethical Code Doctor I of Ukraine (2009), the Concept of development of public health care for the population of Ukraine "(2000) and others. In this regard, one of the most pressing issues the modern medical institutions of higher education are facing is to raise deontological culture among the future doctors. After all, the unfair performance of doctor’s professional duties, careless or non-ethical attitude to the patient can lead to undesirable and even tragic consequences. Each of us, seeking for a doctor’s advice, wants to be sure of his / her high professional and moral qualities. This imposes a huge responsibility on the doctors and the system of their professional training, because health and life are the most valuable treasure that a person can possess. The doctors of all specialties, including those in dentistry, have a direct relation to the performance of their professional duties by their general professional training, responsibility, decency, respectful attitude to colleagues and patients, high personal culture. These components are the essence of the deontological approach to the training of future dental doctors. If the dentists perform their work poorly, in most cases this remains unnoticed by the patient and does not cause any special conflicts. In such cases, the professional ethics of the doctors and their decency are of particular importance. It is the deontological approach to the training of future dentists that ensures fostering their moral and ethical standards, the acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities, their awareness of moral and ethical values, the development of the required traits of character. Among the prospects for further research within this direction we can single out the synthesis of the results obtained by of the analysis of scientific sources in order to distinguish the actual aspects of the training of future dental doctors.
Keywords: деонтологія
медична етика
майбутній лікар-стоматолог
професійна підготовка
деонтологічний підхід
medical ethics
future dental doctors
professional training
deontological approach
UDC: 614.253+614.253.4
ISSN: 2077-1096 (print)
2077-1126 (online)
DOI: 10.31718/2077-1096.19.1.93
Appears in Collections:Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини: Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії, Том 19, вип. 1 (65)

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