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Title: Manifestations of major depressive disorder (MDD) in 2nd year students of the dentistry faculty of UMSA
Authors: Okhrimenko, I. V.
Supervisor: Tanko, N. H.
Танько, Наталія Григорівна
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Citation: Okhrimenko I. V. Manifestations of major depressive disorder (MDD) in 2nd year students of the dentistry faculty of UMSA / I. V. Okhrimenko ; scientific adviser : N. H. Tanko // Тези доповідей 1-ї Міжнародної студентської наукової конференції «International medical students’ conference in Poltava» (IMEDSCOP 2020), м. Полтава, 2–3 квітня 2020 р. – Полтава, 2020. – С. 127.
Abstract: This study was attended by 100 people, 2nd year dentistry students of UMSA. This sample gives an approximate understanding of the possible MDD manifestations among students. It is particularly necessary to note thatthe survey was conducted in December, before the beginning of the examination period, as it is one of the most important and difficult stages in a student's life. Using the 21-assertion BDI methodology, it has been determined what state the students are in for 2 weeks. According tothe results, 85% of students do not have major depressive disorder. In this case it has been determined that 15% of students have a mild form of MDD. In order to confirm or refute these results, another following survey was conducted. According to the “Zung Self-Rating Depression" test, which is more sensitive to clinically weak emotional disorders containing the asthenic component, 90% of students do not have MDD and 10% have a mild form.
Keywords: MDD (major depressive disorder)
students of UMSA
Appears in Collections:IMEDSCOP 2020

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