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Title: Images and visuals in teaching vocabulary
Authors: Botezat, O.
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Citation: Botezat O. Images and visuals in teaching vocabulary / O. Botezat // Актуальні питання лінгвістики, професійної лінгводидактики, психології і педагогіки вищої школи : зб. статей V Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Полтава, 19–20 листопада, 2020 р. – Полтава, 2020. – С. 56–59.
Abstract: The aim of my paper is twofold. Firstly, to examine the use of different visual tools in teaching vocabulary and secondly, to disseminate the Erasmus+ funded Project VIR_TEACH: A VIRtual Solution for a comprehensive and coordinated training for foreign language TEACHers in Europe (Erasmus+ 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050045) that serves as a reliable model for the future training of language educators, using advanced digital techniques and a modern approach. With billions of users, Social Media has offered different channels for communicating for all kinds of purposes, professional and for passe-temps. Its friendly image-based interface reaches quickly the users, satisfying one of the most challenging goals of teaching, that of being part of the students’ news feed. With the multi-language, multi-culture and mixed and shifted populations, on one hand, and the continuous progress and development of software and media, on the other hand, teachers must be duly equipped to meet and answer all of those hurdles. Whether flashcards or short definitions, pictures, short videos, and other graphics are growing as important tools in teaching vocabulary and reaching both young and adult learners.
Keywords: Visual Culture
Modern Technologies
Foreign Languages
Vocabulary Teaching Techniques
UDC: 373.5.016:81’243
Appears in Collections:Актуальні питання лінгвістики, професійної лінгводидактики, психології і педагогіки вищої школи

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