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Title: Вплив поліпептидного препарату на структурно-функціональний стан пародонта при ад'ювантному пародонтиті (експериментальне дослідження)
Other Titles: The influence of a polypeptide preparation on a structural-functional state periodont in adjurant periodonitis (experimental research)
Authors: Силенко, Юрій Іванович
Силенко, Ганна Михайлівна
Бєліков, Олександр Борисович
Бєлікова, Наталія Іванівна
Хребор, Марина Вікторівна
Silenko, G. M.
Belikov, O. B.
Belikova, N. I.
Khrebor, M. V.
Silenko, Y. I.
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publisher: Українська медична стоматологічна академія
Citation: Вплив поліпептидного препарату на структурно-функціональний стан пародонта при ад’ювантному пародонтиті (експериментальне дослідження) / Г. М. Силенко, О. Б. Бєліков, Н. І. Бєлікова [та ін. ] // Український стоматологічний альманах. – 2020. – № 2. – С. 29–34.
Abstract: Проведені дослідження свідчать, що лікування хворих тварин поліпептидним препаратом покращує показники антиоксидантного захисту в тканинах пародонта, клітинного, гуморального імунітету й неспецифічної резистентності організму; покращуються реологічні властивості крові й показники гемостазу. У тварин виявляли регрес стоматологічної симптоматики, зникали ознаки запалення пародонта, кровоточивість, набряк, зменшувалась рухомість зубів. Наведені дані свідчать про високу терапевтичну ефективність препаратів тимуса в лікуванні генералізованого пародонтиту. Актуальними залишаються дослідження в цій сфері.
Проведенные исследования показывают, что лечение больных животных полипептидным препаратом приводит к улучшению показателей антиоксидантной защиты в тканях пародонта, клеточного, гуморального иммунитета и неспецифической резистентности организма; улучшаются реологические свойства крови и показатели гемостаза. У животных выявляли регресс стоматологической симптоматики, исчезали признаки воспаления пародонта, кровоточивость, отек, уменьшалась подвижность зубов. Приведенные данные свидетельствуют о высокой терапевтической эффективности препаратов тимуса в лечении генерализованного пародонтита. Актуальными остаются исследования в этой сфере.
The aim of this article is to study the indices of cellular, humoral immunity and nonspecific resistance, indices of free radical lipid oxidation and thrombocytoactive properties of periodontal tissues in animals with adjuvant periodontitis. In our study, adjuvant periodontitis was reproduced by the method of A.M. Kaminsky, immunizing rats with a homologous periodontal tissue in admixture with a Freund's adjuvant in a 1: 1 ratio. The course consisted of four single injections of 0.2 ml per animal intramuscularly at weekly intervals. Immunization did not lead to changes in the development and behavior of rats. One month after immunization, experimental animals experienced symptoms characteristic of generalized periodontitis in humans. They were manifested in the form of gums, resorption of alveolar bone, mobility and tooth loss. The induction of adjuvant periodontitis in experimental animals led to a significant increase in lipid peroxidation processes in periodontal tissues and a decrease in SOD and catalase activity. In animals with adjuvant periodontitis, which have been injected with periodontal polypeptides, there is a decrease in the reactions of GF compared with patients. In particular, there was a 40.9% decrease in the level of TBK-active products, although the level of MDA accumulation in the incubation process had not decreased significantly. It is noteworthy that in this group of animals increased activity of AO enzymes, which in patients was sharply reduced. Significant changes in the BPO lipid state were also observed in the blood of animals. The peroxidation reactions were significantly reduced, but not as significantly as in periodontal tissues. In particular, spontaneous erythrocyte hemolysis was lower by 14.2%, the level of TBK-active products by 39.4%, and MDA by 34.9%. An increase in the activity of SOD and catalase was observed, as well as a 40.4% decrease in the concentration of ceruloplasmin, which testifies to the elimination of the inflammatory response upon introduction of polypeptides. The treatment of animals with periodontylline was accompanied by an increase in the anti-aggregation properties of periodontal tissues. This is confirmed by the following indicators of the aggregate: the angle of aggregation is reduced by 31.8%, the optical density by 29%, the aggregation time is increased by 42.9% compared with the group of animals with adjuvant periodontitis. The introduction of parodontilin had a pronounced effect on the condition of blood clotting and fibrinolysis. We observed a significant increase in recalcification time, thrombin, prothrombin time. If the disease has a significant increase in the time of euglobulin fibrinolysis, then in the treatment of this indicator becomes less by 69.4%, the products of para-coagulation disappear from the bloodstream and the concentration of fibrin degradation products decreases. The treatment of animals was accompanied by an increase in immunity, which was manifested by an increase in T and B lymphocytes and Ig G. titer. Studies have shown that the treatment of diseased animals with a polypeptide drug leads to an improvement in the cellular, humoral immunity and nonspecific resistance of the organism, as well as the presence of a pronounced immunomodulatory effect of periodontin. The previously established relationship between blood clotting systems, sex, immunity, nonspecific resistance of the organism is confirmed in these experimental studies. If the induction of periodontitis is primarily associated with autoimmune processes, leading to impaired homeostasis, then the introduction of periodontin has a modulating effect on both immunity and indicators of lipid peroxidation and microcirculatory and coagulative hemostasis . In animals, regression of dental symptoms was noted, signs of periodontal inflammation, bleeding, swelling disappeared, and tooth mobility decreased. These data indicate the high therapeutic efficacy of thymic drugs in the treatment of generalized periodontitis. Research in this area remains relevant
Keywords: генералізований пародонтит
поліпептидні препарати
ад'ювантний пародонтит
generalized periodontitis
adjuvant periodontitis
polypeptide preparations
генерализованный пародонтит
ад'ювантный пародонтит
полипептидные препараты
UDC: 616.31-002-06:615:[547.964.4+577.112.6].017-092.9
Appears in Collections:Український стоматологічний альманах, 2020, № 2
Наукові праці. Кафедра післядипломної освіти лікарів-стоматологів

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