Higher medical education applicants’ better social adaptation pathways and mechanisms

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Організація наукових медичних досліджень «Salutem»


Higher medical education applicants’ better social adaptation pathways and mechanisms belong to the research subject in many countries and represent multi-facetated investigations’ set. It is so because students as a whole and medical students in part represent separate age category possessing rather high academic mobility. It has been decreased only because of COVID-19 pandemy. But educational establishments found and find pathways and mechanisms of the students’ attracting to their educational establishments under the remote education conditions as well. The author pay attention to foreign students’ adaptation types, to such terms as “acculturation”, “acculturative stress” and emphasize that the educational establishments, separate students trans-cultural experience sharing with social nets vast usage; human typologies taking into consideration because it encourages to the applicants’ education maximal individualization; ethnic tolerance maximal development can be considered as some valuable pathways and mechanisms of the foreign students better social adaptation.


Ключові слова

foreign students, adaptation, acculturation, acculturative stress, Pedagogy, human typologies, educating individualization, ethnic tolerance

Бібліографічний опис

Tkachenko E. V. Higher medical education applicants’ better social adaptation pathways and mechanisms / E. V. Tkachenko // Медицина XXI століття: перспективні та пріоритетні напрямки наукових досліджень : зб. матеріалів міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м .Дніпро, 23–24 липня 2021 р. – Дніпро : Організація наукових медичних досліджень “Salutem”, 2021. – С. 67–70.