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Title: Association between emotional-volitional dysfunction and features of aggression or hostility in mens with different forms of substance addictions: a cross-sectional study
Authors: Zhyvotovska, L. V.
Boiko, D. I.
Kadzhaia, N. V.
Shkodina, A. D.
Demianenko, I. V.
Borysenko, V. V.
Животовська, Лілія Валентинівна
Бойко, Дмитро Іванович
Шкодіна, Анастасія Дмитрівна
Борисенко, Володимир Васильович
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Aluna Publishing
Citation: Association between emotional-volitional dysfunction and features of aggression or hostility in mens with different forms of substance addictions: a cross-sectional study / L. V. Zhyvotovska, D. I. Boiko, N. V. Kadzhaia [et al.] // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2020. – Vol. LXXIII, issue 6. – P. 1129–1133.
Abstract: The aim: The research aim was to study features of emotional-volitional sphere and its association in mens with different forms of Substance Addictions. Materials and methods: We examined 146 patients with alcohol and drug addictions using Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Zverkov-Eidmann`s questionnaire and Buss-Durkee questionnaire. Results: The study showed an increase in the overall level of alexithymia, a moderate level of aggressiveness and a sufficient level of volitional self-regulation without a significant difference between the groups. The indirect correlation of “persistence” with the “general level of alexithymia”, “difficulty identifying feelings” and “physical aggression” in group 1 and at the same time the indirect correlation between “self-control” and “verbal aggression” and “volitional self-regulation” with “difficulty describing feelings” can be explained by the opposite meaning of these concepts and phenomena themselves.However, it is interesting that the indicators “physical aggression” and “difficulty describing feelings” in group 2 were significantly lower, but at the same time correlated with “general level of alexithymia” and “irritability”, respectively. On other hand in group 1 the indicator “suspiciousness” is directly related to the “general level of alexithymia”, but its level is significantly lower in comparison with group 2. Conclusions: The phenomenon of alexithymia is not only recorded in the clinical picture of patients with various forms of addiction, but can also induce the development of manifestations of aggressiveness and hostility in them. Correction of alexithymia is necessary to understand the emotional state of these patients and choose the right approach to their treatment and rehabilitation.
Keywords: alexithymia
substance addiction
volitional regulation
ISSN: 0043-5147
DOI: 10.36740/WLek202006109
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра нервових хвороб
Наукові праці. Кафедра психіатрії, наркології та медичної психології

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