Вісник проблем біології і медицини, Випуск 2, Том 2 (165)

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 8 з 8
  • Документ
    Perforations as an endodontic complication: statistics and treatment methods
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Nazarenko, Z. Yu.; Yushchenko, Ya. O.; Tkachenko, I. M.; Brailko, N. M.; Lyashenko, L. I.; Назаренко, Зоряна Юріївна; Ющенко, Яна Олександрівна; Ткаченко, Ірина Михайлівна; Браїлко, Наталія Миколаївна; Ляшенко, Лілія Іванівна
    Perforation is a complication that can occur during endodontic treatment mainly due to iatrogenic factors. Perforation creates a pathological course between the root canal system and periodontal tissues and threatens treatment success. Our study aimed to study the prevalence and causes of complications in endodontic treatment, including perforations, identification and practical application of the most effective treatment in the clinical case of combined perforation with the evaluation of the outcome in dynamics. To determine the prevalence of perforations, we conducted a survey among dentists on the frequency of this complication in endodontic manipulations, causes, methods of prevention, determination of perforations of tooth hard tissues, and their treatment. During the study, a comprehensive search of literature data was conducted. We treated the combined perforation with ProRoot MTA (Dentsply) based on the results obtained. According to our survey of dentists, perforation as a result of endodontic treatment was 10.5% (including lateral perforation of the root canal – 53.8%, furcation – 29.3%, the bottom of the tooth cavity – 14.1%, the apex of the root channel – 2.0%, combined – 0.8%). 87.8% of the surveyed contingent of doctors chose ProRoot AIT as the material of choice for closing perforations. In treating combined perforation with this material, we obtained positive clinical and radiological indicators dynamics. Thus, almost 95% of endodontic practitioners have dealt with perforations. The main reasons for the perforations were the lack of magnification, incorrect selection of tools and methods of working with it, insufficient knowledge of the anatomy of the tooth cavity and root canals, and lack of time for patient treatment. «ProRoot МТА» was the leading material of choice among practitioners.
  • Документ
    Results of the study of the structural and functional parameter of periodontal status according to digital radiography
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Korobeinikova, Yu. L.; Khavalkina, L. M.; Korobeinikov, L. S.; Dubyna, V. O.; Dubrovina, O. V.; Коробейнікова, Юлія Леонідівна; Хавалкіна, Людмила Михайлівна; Коробейніков, Леонід Сергійович; Дубина, Віталій Олексійович; Дубровіна, Олена Віталіївна
    Timely diagnosis of complications that may affect periodontal tissues and cause complications is an important point that gives a good clinical effect of dental care at the initial admission and in the long term. When treatment is effective, complications can sometimes develop that are difficult to detect clinically. Comparison of computed tomography (CT) and orthopantomography (OPTG) data showed that the three-dimensional image significantly visualizes the X-ray image in periodontal disease by determining the condition of alveolar shoots in any part of the jaws. Only CT scans can objectively assess the condition of bone tissue in all areas and directions. A comparison of CT and orthopantomography data showed that the three-dimensional image significantly objectifies the radiological picture of periodontal disease by detecting the condition of the vestibular and oral cortical plates in any part of the dentition. At the same time, only according to the CBCT an objective assessment of bone resorption in the vestibulo-oral direction is reliable
  • Документ
    A clinical case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in a 12-year-old child
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Tsvirenko, S. M.; Ananevych, O. I.; Voloshyna, V. V.; Laktionova, V. M.; Savchenko, L. V.; Цвіренко, Світлана Миколаївна; Ананевич, Олена Іванівна; Волошина, Вікторія Валеріївна; Лактіонова, В. М.; Савченко, Леся Володимирівна
    The fourth wave of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic was characterized by an incidence increase of the disease in all ages children. In most cases, the disease course in children was much easier than in adults. However, an increase in the cases number of children with coronavirus showed that some pediatric patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection developed a nonspecific hyperinflammatory syndrome. According to most observations, a multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) usually occurs 2-6 weeks after coronavirus disease in previously healthy children and adolescents. It is characterized by clinical and laboratory evidence of multiorgan inflammation. The article presents a clinical case of a pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with coronavirus infection in school-age children. The patient developed a gradual MIS-C development after asymptomatic coronavirus infection. The disease onset was characterized by nonspecific symptoms resembling the clinic of a respiratory infection. In the dynamics of the MIS-C formation, there was a lesion of the respiratory, cardiovascular, hepatobiliary systems, and skin, with the development of poly-organ failure syndrome. Therapy conducted by current recommendations contributed to the complete disease regression, and examination three months after recovery showed no abnormalities in the child's health.
  • Документ
    Establishing the relationship between the level of interleukin-18 and the state of periodontium in children of primary-school-age with chronic catarrhal gingivitis and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Sheshukova, O. V.; Kuz, I. O.; Maksymenko, A. I.; Trufanova, V. P.; Polishchuk, T. V.; Mosiienko, A. S.; Kazakova, K. S.; Шешукова, Ольга Вікторівна; Кузь, Ірина Олексіївна; Максименко, Аліна Іванівна; Труфанова, Валентина Петрівна; Поліщук, Тетяна Вікторівна; Мосієнко, Анна Сергіївна; Казакова, Катерина Станіславівна
    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is a significant risk factor for inflammatory periodontal disease in children and adolescents. The study aimed to determine the dental status and study the content of pro-inflammatory IL-18 in oral fluid in primary school children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and to develop an algorithm for predicting IL-18 levels in oral fluid of children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis in type I diabetes mellitus background by establishing a relationship between the level of IL-18 and the assessment index of periodontal tissues according to the Sillness scale, Loe. The study examined 82 children aged six to fourteen years, including 56 with type I diabetes and 26 without concomitant somatic diseases. The IL-18 amount in the oral fluid to characterize the inflammation in the oral cavity organs was determined. The IL-18 value increases with the periodontal index and bleeding gums during probing. It is consistent with the data of scientific studies on IL-18 amount in the oral fluid of adults without diabetes. Our study results also show that an increase in the IL-18 value in oral fluid is closely related to type I diabetes in children. Moreover, in our opinion, IL-18 can be considered a potential biomarker of inflammation in periodontal disease in children with type I diabetes mellitus, the clinical manifestations of which are not yet visible. We found that IL-18 levels are elevated even in the absence of clinical gingivitis manifestations. Therefore, establishing IL-18 pathogenetic significance in chronic catarrhal gingivitis on the background of type I diabetes is extremely important.
  • Документ
    Features of children’s prosthetics with plural adentia complicated ectodermal dysplasia (clinical case)
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Smaglyuk, L. V.; Kulish, N. V.; Karasiunok, A. E.; Смаглюк, Любов Вікентіївна; Куліш, Неля Володимирівна; Карасюнок, Анна Євгеніївна
    The article presents data on the treatment of a patient in the period of temporary occlusion with multiple adentia on the background of anhydrotic ectodermal dysplasia using a prosthetic method. In such patients, the shape of the face is sharply disturbed before dentures due to a significant shortening of its lower part, the protrusion of thickened lips, sagging of the bottom of the mouth as a result of low location of the tongue. Toothless children due to poor nutrition lag behind in growth, suffer from their aesthetic shortcomings, need dental prosthetics from 3 years. In the absence of teeth, the absence of growth of alveolar processes in height is defined. Due to the formation of defects of teeth and dentitions are formed differently oriented on the planes and the severity of the anomaly of the dental system or its deformation. Teeth, especially the front group, are of great importance in the formation of sound and the formation of purity of speech, the formation of facial aesthetics. No less important is the factor of psychological trauma and the formation of the child’s character. Given the complexity of the defect of the dentition of the upper and lower jaws, complete removable dentures were used to create conditions for recovery of masticatory function, swallowing, speech, activation and development of the maxillofacial muscles, recovery of facial height. In the process of making prostheses, it is important to remember the peculiarities of growth and development at the appropriate age. Structures should not impair oral hygiene and have good fixation and stabilization, especially in the case of edentulous jaws. Knowledge of the principles of orthopedic care, and types of dentures used in multiple defects of the dentition will allow dentists to timely prosthetics of patients with defects of the dentition and prevent complex deformities of the dental apparatus. In patients with congenital malformations, the restoration of a full-fledged masticatory apparatus and facial aesthetics will allow them to fully adapt to society.
  • Документ
    Morphological features of enamel and dentin in dental fluorosis
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Nikolishyna, E. V.; Ilenko, N. M.; Nikolyshyn, І. A.; Ніколішина, Елла Вячеславівна; Іленко, Наталія Миколаївна; Ніколішин, Ігор Анатолійович
    The direct toxic effect of fluoride on enameloblasts during the development and formation of enamel, leads to a violation of its mineralization, and with prolonged admission to the occurrence of dental fluorosis. It is known that the above processes occur during the maturation of the enamel (secondary mineralization). The authors studied the morphological features of enamel and dentin in dental fluorosis of varying severity. The material for morphological examination was thick and thin histochemically stained sections and sections dusted with gold and silver, made of teeth removed for orthodontic indications. The structural features of enamel and dentin were studied using a binocular magnifier, light and scanning electron microscopes. With a mild form of fluorosis on the sections there was an increase in the pattern of lamellae, uneven color of some tufts of enamel prisms in the direction of the Retzius lines and redistribution of acidic glycosaminoglycans. In moderate fluorosis, destruction and homogenization of enamel prism beads is observed, which was characterized by blue staining on acidic glycosami-noglycans or partial destruction and their fragmentation or loss of clear orientation along the entire width of the enamel. Studies of sections of severe fluorosis have shown that areas of amorphous substance are usually localized near the lamellae and are characterized by almost complete destruction of the direction of enamel prisms, which in some areas reach the enamel – dentin border and painted in intense purple. Enamel of enamel prisms and Retzius lines was observed in enamel with visually unchanged structure. Scanning electron microscopy data show that the structure of the enamel in fluorosis is more contrasting than normal. Areas of enamel destruction are represented by unstructured, homogeneous masses. Therefore, the established pathomorphological changes of the hard tissues of the teeth in fluorosis should be taken into account when prescribing complex therapy with special emphasis on drugs for mineralization.
  • Документ
    Morphological changes in rat liver structure during central deprivation of lutheinizing hormone synthesis at 365th day of experiment
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Rud, M. V.; Shepitko, V. I.; Stetsuk, Ye. V.; Akimov, O. Ye.; Рудь, Марія Володимирівна; Шепітько, Володимир Іванович; Стецук, Євген Валерійович; Акімов, Олег Євгенович
    Macrophages play a central role in both tissue homeostasis and inflammation. Understanding the origin, development and involvement of tissue-resident macrophages in the regulation of homeostatic processes is fundamental to the development of future intervention strategies to modulate macrophage functions in specific areas. Resident liver macrophages include Kupffer cells, which together with sinusoidal cells and Ito cells form a significant population of non-parenchymal, antigen-presenting cells. The androgen / androgen receptor (AR) interaction plays a role in the development of the liver in the embryonic stage, the maximum dimorphism of the effects of androgen / AR occurs after puberty due to the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Quercetin effect on the inflammatory process is explained by the blockade of the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism, reduced synthesis of leukotrienes. The aim of our study was to determine the qualitative and quantitative changes in Kupffer cells during chemical castration of male rats of central origin, which was caused by the introduction of a solution of triptorelin acetate. And also to elucidate the results of the quercetin action on antigen-presenting liver cells on the background of the effects caused by the use of triptorelin solution. The experiments were performed on 30 adult male white rats. Rats were divided into 3 groups: control (10), experimental 1 (10) and experimental 2 (10). Animals from experimental group 1 were injected subcutaneously with triptorelin acetate at a dose of 0.3 mg of active substance per kg of body weight. Animals from experimental group 2 received triptorelin acetate in the same dosage and quercetin 100 mg per kg body weight 3 times a week. Changes in the liver of animals from group 1 occur on cellular and subcellular levels, causing minor venous stasis, erythrocyte sludge and macrophage infiltration. Concomitant oral administration of quercetin minimizes structural and morphological changes in rat liver tissue by increasing the antioxidant protection of liver tissue.
  • Документ
    Structural and functional changes of rat kidney damage in the experimental burn disease
    (Полтавський державний медичний університет, 2022) Nikolenko, D. Ye.; Babenko, V. I.; Fylenko, B. M.; Royko, N. V.; Koka, V. M.; Zadvornova, A. P.; Ніколенко, Дмитро Євгенійович; Бабенко, Вікторія Ігорівна; Филенко, Борис Миколайович; Ройко, Наталія Віталіївна; Кока, Володимир Миколайович; Задворнова, Анна Петрівна
    В статті досліджуються закономірності морфологічних змін моделі опікової хвороби на основі вивчення структурно-фукціональних рівнів пошкодження нирок щурів від локального термічного опіку шкіри та можливості їх регенераторної спроможності в експерименті. Морфологічне дослідження проведене на тканині нирок щурів, що зазнали термічної травми шкіри водою в експерименті (15 білих щурів-самців репродуктивного віку). Щурів виводили з експерименту згідно правил для піддослідних тварин через 24 години після початку експерименту та на 7 добу. Світлооптична мікроскопія гістологічних зрізів тканини нирок проводилась після забарвлення гематоксиліном та еозином за стандартними методиками та додатково використовували забарвлення пікрофуксином за методикою Ван-Гізон. В кінці 1 доби спостерігали запустіння судин кіркового шару і виражене повнокрів’я мікроциркуляторного русла мозкового шару з вогнищевими крововиливами. Спостерігалася дистрофія та десквамацією подоцитів, ендотеліоцитів та фрагментацією базальної мембрани капілярів клубочків. При забарвленні тканини нирки пікрофуксином за Ван-Гізон виявлено, що волокнисті елементи сполучної тканини носять фрагментарний характер. Просвіти частини канальців мозкового шару надмірно розтягнуті з вогнищами тубулорексису. В цитоплазмі нефротелію спостерігається гідропічна дистрофія та вакуолізація ядер з ділянками фокального колікваційного некрозу. Після семи діб опікової хвороби спостерігається покращення гемодинаміки в більшості ниркових тілець кіркової речовини, повної регенерації капілярів з відновленням фільтраційної функції, а також неповна регенерація у вигляді рубцювання в ниркових тільцях. Відновлення кровопостачання паренхіми нефронів супроводжується повною регенерацією епітелію канальців кіркової та мозкової речовини. Встановлено, що перша доба впливу опікової травми супроводжується гіпоксією тканини нирок, юкстамедулярним шунтуванням кровотоку та морфологічними альтеративними змінами ниркових клубочків та канальців. На 7-му добу відмічаються явища регенерації пошкоджених структур при збереженні запальної реакції в цих ділянках.