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Title: Iq-coefficient in hseiu “UMCA” students and in Ukraine military forces cadets dependently on interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, sex and nationality
Authors: Gholami, Mina
Gholami, Mardjan
Sartipi, Hamed
Ktari, Hassen
Ayatollahi, Behzad
Supervisor: Tkachenko, E. V.
Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Полтавський державний медичний університет
Citation: Iq-coefficient in hseiu “UMCA” students and in Ukraine military forces cadets dependently on interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, sex and nationality / M. Gholami, M. Gholami, H. Sartipi, H. Ktari, B. Ayatollahi ; scientific supervisor : E. V. Tkachenko // Актуальні проблеми експериментальної та клінічної медицини : тези доп. 66-ї підсумкової студентської наук. конф., 20 квітня 2010 р. – Полтава, 2010. – С. 83–84.
Abstract: More sinisters were among the UMSA students from Iran than from Ukraine while this differ­ ence absence at interhemispherical asymmetry individual prophile analysis among men and women, though sinisters were dominant among men in Military-Medical academy students. Dex­ ters, real, hidden and unreal sinisters amount was equal among UMSA students while hiddensinisters were dominant among Military-Medical Academy students. Both-sexed real sinisters from Iran and Ukraine possessed the highest intellect. Intellect co-efficient was higher in men (both in UMSA and Military-Medical Academy students) than in women. Iranian students pos­ sessed higher intellect than the Ukrainian ones among UMSA students.
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра фізіології

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