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Title: To the question on students' assessment
Authors: Zhukova, M. Yu.
Tkachenko, O. V.
Жукова, Марина Юріївна
Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: ОНМедУ
Citation: Zhukova M. Yu. To the question on students' assessment / M. Yu. Zhukova, O. V. Tkachenko // Забезпечення якості освіти у вищій медичній школі : матеріали наук.-метод. міжуніверситет. конф. з міжнар. участю, м. Одеса, 18–20 січня 2023 р. / за ред. д. мед. н., проф. В. Г. Марічереда [Електронне видання]. – Одеса : ОНМедУ, 2023. – С. 416–419.
Abstract: Education quality is considered to be higher education key question in the world, was and is paid significant attention in Pedagogy, Psychology, Medicine by the specialists from different countries. Separate attention was and is paid to educating and assessing the International students. Inclusive education was proposed by UN and UNESCO as an obligatory for International applicants though unfortunately it is applied much more for children with special needs. We did and do our best on inclusive education implementing in the biggest possible extent in an educative process with an International applicants, based in humanism, respect and maximal individual approach to educating them that in turn is impossible to be realized without their typological belonging taking into obligatory consideration. Here are some own results received by us. Foreign students needed to bigger boasting in their educative activity: left-handers, melancholics and left-handed melancholics in especially significant extent though all foreign students independently on temperamental belonging and interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile demonstrated it much more than domestic students. We met rather big amount of foreign students who demonstrated refusal to study our subject Physiology, to visit the lessons of the teacher/s that put “2” and even refusal to study Medicine or to gain knowledge at all in some of them. They possessed external control locus and were thinking that only tutor/s are faulty both in their academic success and non-success. Some students with very emotional reaction to critics and to non-satisfaction in marks were cholerics from Arabic countries, cholerics with melancholism and melancholics with cholerism, impulsive students. We were giving more time to the left-handed foreign students taking into account their individual peculiarities and to all foreign students during remote education in ZOOM and in the Google-class, work with these students receiving their education in English was accompanied by additional explanations and often assessment not for every topic at once. Foreign students having remote learning must be under “softer” conditions while their assessing and must have more developed explanation from the teachers’ side; also the problem of adapted materials for them is still actual because they take information from “pure Internet” rather often unfortunately and receive worse marks because of this due to mistakes present there.
Keywords: pedagogy
medical students
foreign students
foreign applicants
International students
International applicants
higher education foreign applicants
education quality
education quality providing system functioning levels
education quality parameters
inclusive education
humanism, respect
ethnic identity maintaining
typological belonging
typological aspects
multi-facetated adaptation
academic adaptation
psycho-social adaptation
cultural adaptation
cross- cultural adaptation
trans-cultural adaptation
interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile,
temperament type
cholerics with melancholism
melancholics with cholerism
behavioral strategies
adapted scientific materials
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра фізіології

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