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Title: Modern trends of changes in the microbiota of urogenital system in patients with urolithiasis
Authors: Fedorchenko, V. I.
Loban, G. A.
Gancho, O. V.
Ivakhniuk, T. V.
Bagnuk, N. A.
Dudar, A. O.
Kovalenko, N. P.
Bobrova, N. O.
Федорченко, Віра Іванівна
Лобань, Галина Андріївна
Ганчо, Ольга Валеріївна
Івахнюк, Тетяна Василівна
Коваленко, Нінель Павлівна
Боброва, Нелля Олександрівна
Дудар, А. О.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: ALUNA Publishing
Citation: Modern trends of changes in the microbiota of urogenital system in patients with urolithiasis / V. I. Fedorchenko, G. A. Loban, O. V. Gancho [et al.] // Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski. – 2023. – Vol. LI, issue 4. – P. 346–350.
Abstract: Aim: Analysis of trends in the microbial communities of the genitourinary system in patients with urolithiasis. Material and methods:165 urine samples from patients with urolithiasiswas examined. The quantitative isolation of microflora was carried out using the bacteriological method. Microorganisms were identified using API biochemical test systems (bioMerieux, France). The percentage of the various types of microorganisms was determined. The reliability of differences in the frequency of various types of microorganisms isolation in a monoculture and the composition of microbial associations was determined by two-field tables with Fisher's Exact criterion. The GraphPad Prism 7 software was used. Results: 198 bacterial cultures of various types were isolated. In one case, a Candida culture was isolated. E. faecaliswas the most frequently isolated culture (29.1% of the isolated strains number);E. coli (18.1% of the total number of isolated cultures; K. pneumoniae (11.1%). There were no significant differences in the rate of E. faecalis compared to E. coli. K. pneumonia was isolated significantly less frequently than E. faecalis. These types of microorganisms were also leaders in the formation of bacterial mixes.In addition, these species are involved in the urease activity of bacteria (directly or indirectly), which contributes to the formation of stones in the genitourinary system. Conclusions: E. faecalis is the species most often isolated from patients with purulent-inflammatory processes in patients with urolithiasis, both in the case of mono-infection and as part of mixed bacterial cultures.
Keywords: E. faecalis
opportunistic infection
mixed infection
ISSN: 1426-9686
DOI: 10.36740/Merkur202304108
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра мікробіології, вірусології та імунології

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