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Title: Форми інформальної освіти на кафедрі післядипломної освіти лікарів-стоматологів УМСА
Other Titles: Forms of informational education in the department of post education of doctors of UMSA
Authors: Скрипников, Петро Миколайович
Скрипнікова, Таїса Петрівна
Хміль, Тетяна Андріївна
Бережна, Олена Едуардівна
Бєляєва, Олена Миколаївна
Skrypnikov, P. M.
Skrypnikova, T. P.
Khmil, T. A.
Berezhnaya, O. E.
Bieliaieva, O. M.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Полтавський державний медичний університет
Citation: Форми інформальної освіти на кафедрі післядипломної освіти лікарів-стоматологів УМСА / П. М. Скрипников, Т. П. Скрипнікова, Т. А. Хміль [та ін.] // Український стоматологічний альманах. – 2019. – № 1. – С. 44–47.
Abstract: Охарактеризовано сутність поняття «інформальна освіта (самоосвіта) у сфері охорони здоров'я». Розвиток медичної освіти вимагає інноваційних підходів. Висвітлені форми інформальної освіти на кафедрі післядипломної освіти лікарів-стоматологів УМСА – Всеукраїнський професійний конкурс лікарів-стоматологів і Всеукраїнський навчальний семінар «Шлях у світ майстерності», проведення яких дозволяє виявити наявність професійної зацікавленості в лікарів-інтернів, скоординувати стиль життя майбутніх фахівців, які прагнуть до професійного самовдосконалення і реалізації свого потенціалу.
The modern medical education is at the stage of fundamental transformations, that is characterized by continuity and variability, so this improvement should be guided by the requirements of the needs of the individual and society. Expansion of educational space and strategies has led to the emergence of concepts of information education and new models of professional development. Self-education in the healthcare sector is a self-organized acquisition of professional competencies by health professionals in day-to-day work related to professional and civic activities, which is the most prolonged and continuous period of human life. The main forms of informal education in dentistry include: participation in professional meetings, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, congresses, exhibitions, simulation trainings, master classes, practical skills training courses, internships in clinics in other countries, distance learning, including electronic through professional Internet resources. Information education also includes such activities as a community of professional interests, regular reading of professional literature, travel, visits of medical institutions, writing articles on professional topics. The prospects for the development of medical education are determined by innovative approaches. An important place in the implementation of innovations is the long-term cooperation of the department of postgraduate education of dental doctors of UMSA with private dental clinics and cabinets in Poltava, which allows the introduction of new types of training, dental techniques, technologies, devices and tools. Thus, the clinic "Professor's dentistry" has the highest standards in the prevention and treatment of dental diseases, unique software. This is the first and only dental clinic in Ukraine, where a comprehensive system solution for infectious safety of patients and standards of hygiene of the MELAG company is presented. In order to encourage dental practitioners, to improve their knowledge and skills, for the 20 years in a row, the All-Ukrainian Professional Competition "The Way to the World of Excellence" is being held to demonstrate the quality of therapeutic work at the Department of Postgraduate Education of Dentistry Doctors. During the period of the event since 2000, it was attended by 153 dentists. In 2019, the feature of the XX All- Ukrainian Professional Competition of Doctors-Dentists "The Way to the World of Excellence" was holding of clinical competitions on the basis of the clinic "Professor's Stomatology". As part of the celebration of the International Day of Dentist, the Department held an All-Ukrainian Training Seminar "The Way to the World of Excellence", which had a large audience this year due to the high interest of intern doctors. The event was aimed to improve knowledge and skills in restoring of damaged teeth in adhesive technology, gain in experience. Informational education creates conditions for the development of professional self-knowledge of the future specialist: a conscious attitude towards their professional needs, motives, and abilities. Such forms of informational education as the All-Ukrainian professional competition of dental doctors "The Way to the World of Excellence" and the training workshop can reveal the presence of professional interest among interns, coordinate the lifestyles of future specialists who seek professional self-improvement and the realization of their potential.
Keywords: інформальна освіта
неперервна освіта
професійний конкурс
навчальний семінар
informal education
continuous education
professional competition
training seminar
ISSN: 2409-0255
Appears in Collections:Український стоматологічний альманах, 2019, № 1

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