Influence of pallet rich plasma, quercetin and their combination on activity of nitric oxide cycle enzymes in nasal mucosa of patients with atrophic rhinitis


Aim: To study the general activity of NO synthases (gNOS), the activity of inducible and constitutive isoforms of NO synthase, the activity of arginases, and theconcentration of nitrites in the nasal mucosa under the conditions of local treatment of chronic atrophic rhinitis (AR) with quercetin and platelet-rich plasma (PRP therapy). Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 118 patients divided into two groups: control (n=20) and experimental (patients with AR, n=98). Experimental group was divided into 4 subgroups: standard treatment (n=29), PRP therapy (6 injections for 28 day course, n=19), Quercetin (40 mg 3 times a day for 28 days, n=26) and PRP+Quercetin (n=24) groups. Results: Standard therapy of SaR increases gNOS by 278.38% and arginase activity increases by 222.73%. PRP therapy increases gNOS by 211.43% and arginase by 540.91%. Quercetin elevates gNOS by 108.33% and arginase by 250%. PRP therapy and quercetin increases gNOS by 146.15% and arginase by 536.36%. Conclusions: The use of standard therapy of SaR and addition of PRP therapy, quercetin and their combination effectively restores the production of nitricoxide and the arginase activity in the nasal mucosa.


Ключові слова

activity of NO synthases (gNOS), nasal mucosa, chronic atrophic rhinitis, rhinitis quercetin and platelet-rich plasma (PRP therapy)

Бібліографічний опис

Influence of pallet rich plasma, quercetin and their combination on activity of nitric oxide cycle enzymes in nasal mucosa of patients with atrophic rhinitis / R. V. Bondarenko, S. B. Bezshapochnyy, M. I. Bezega, V. V. Loburets, V. O. Kostenko, O. Ye. Akimov, A. M. Bilous // Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski. – 2024. – Vol. LII, issue 1. – С. 17–22.