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Title: Кількісні співвідношення структурних компонентів кісткової тканини щурів
Other Titles: Количественные соотношения структурных компонентов костной ткани крыс
Quantitative relationships of the structural components of bone tissue of rats
Authors: Пелипенко, Олександр Васильович
Шепітько, Володимир Іванович
Пелипенко, Александр Васильевич
Шепитько, Владимир Иванович
Pelipenko, A.
Shepitko, V.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Українська медична стоматологічна академія»
Citation: Пелипенко О. В. Кількісні співвідношення структурних компонентів кісткової тканини щурів / О. В. Пелипенко, В. І. Шепітько // Вісник проблем біології та медицини. – 2016. – Вип. 2(2). – С. 249–252.
Abstract: Проведене морфологічне дослідження кількісних співвідношень елементів кісткової тканини епіфізарної ділянки колінних суглобів щурів. Отримані характеристики трабекулярної складової, матриксу тарідини можуть бути використані у подальших експериментальних дослідженнях як контрольні; Проведено морфологическое исследование количественных соотношений элементов костной ткани эпифизарного участка коленных суставов крыс. Полученные характеристики трабекулярной составляющей, матрикса и жидкости могут быть использованы в дальнейших экспериментальных исследованиях как контрольные; The presence of arthrotic changes in the joints due to articular cartilage trauma has no doubt. Recently, the theory of primary degenerative changes in articular cartilage in subchondral bone is gaining popularity. A morphological study of the quantitative ratios of the elements of bone epiphyseal area of the knee joints of rats. 30 male rats «Wistar» of 12 weeks of age of weight 130-150 g were investigated. Histological material is prepared by the generally accepted rules. Studying the received material, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of trabecular component, fibrous structures and free fluid were determined. Subchondral bone animals which studied had typical spongy structure, uniform color. Border of uniform transition to the cartilage that is being calcified were observed some protruding of bone tissue with clear contours. Particular attention was paid to metabolically active cells of bone, such as trabecular component. The number, length and thickness of trabeculae, the distance between them and the presence of cavities in the most directly trabeculae were observed. Trabecular of trabecular bone had a thickness of 280 - 330 mm with universally osteo structure. Orientation of lamellar structures was defined in the primary spatial documentation developed under the scheme. In less than 250 microns of trabecular there was no osteo structure. Trabecular bone output was 59,23 ± 2,01%, thickness - 55,71 ±6.17 mm. Network of trabecular bone of the distal femur of metaepiphysis contained a large number of osteoblasts, especially in the border zone limits of growth. Large osteoblasts, colored due to metabolic activity, located on the outer surface of the trabecular bone, the majority was located directly in the most trabeculae. Osteoblasts occupy nearly jof the total bone plane (23,66 + 0,11). Single cells showed signs of destructive processes. One of the manifestation of the presence of pathological changes of bone tissue are deviations of hydration of its components. Therefore, the definition of equity of the liquid is an important diagnostic criterion in determining the intensity of inflammatory processes. During the research, the following components of the relationship are determined: The water content of the cortical substance - 0,43 ± 0,02 mg / mmi (19,17 ± 50,56%). The content of organic - 0,24 ±0,01 mg / mmi (24,15 ± 0,76%). The content of the mineral - 1,23 ± 0,02 mg I mmi (56,68 ± 1,22%). At this stage of the study we did not conduct a differential analysis of quantitative ratios of collagen type organic components of bone material that was studied. Marked only the presence of different types of collagen, among which, according the data of leading scientists, greatly surpassed type I collagen. Matrix bone test material was 24% of the total material observations. At the border of the periosteum and bones, the separate bundles of fibers of passage in cortical layer (collagen type III) were determined. Collagen type VI observed in places of attachment of tendon and joint capsule, the periosteum in the form of short filaments. Collagen type Vas the formation of collagen type I in the form of a central core of collagen fibrils were not considered during the study as a distinct histological unit. Generally osteoid looked like a thin strip homogeneously pink color. In the study of quantitative characteristics of osteoid, the following data are received:Osteoid thickness averaged 9,1 ± 1,3 mm, osteoid volume - 9.56 + 0.21 microns; osteoid surface - 20,24 ± 0,38%. The received data coincide with other studies. Bone tissue of rats has a very complex structure, elements of which are in close relationship between them. Individual differences of quantitative characteristics should be considered in morphological studies with further interpretation of the relationship identified in laboratory and clinical experiments.
Keywords: кісткова тканина
субхондральна кістка
костная ткань
субхондральная кость
subchondral bone
ISSN: 2077-4214
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра гістології, цитології та ембріології
Наукові праці. Кафедра хірургії № 3

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