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Title: Optical density of upper jaw in patients with malocclusion
Authors: Kuroedova, V. D.
Vyzhenko, E. E.
Makarova, A. N.
Galych, L. B.
Chicor, T. A.
Куроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна
Виженко, Євгеній Євгенович
Макарова, Олександра Миколаївна
Галич, Людмила Борисівна
Чикор, Тетяна Олександрівна
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Optical density of upper jaw in patients with malocclusion / V. Kuroedova, E. Vyzhenko, А. Makarova [at al.] // Widomosci Lekarskie. – 2017. – № 5. – С. 913–916.
Abstract: Introduction: The growth and formation of facial skeleton is in interrelation with growth of cervical spine. Computer tomography plays an important role to examine and investigate the density of bony tissue resulting from total increase of osteopenic diseases and diseases of periodontal tissue. The aim of the paper is to compare indices of mineral density of bony tissue of the upper jaw and mineral density of the second cervical vertebra in patients with malocclusion. Materials and Methods: 37 orthodontic patients were involved in the investigation. They were divided into three age groups depending on the period of formation of dentofacial system. Density measurement of bone of the second cervical vertebra was done and also density measurement of upper jaw in the area of alveolar process between central incisors, canines and the first premolar on the level of the middle of roots, in the area of the first molars under the level of bifurcation and in cusp was performed. Results: Optical density of bone of the second cervical vertebra with age increases from 501±61,06 to 587,6±48,81. The densest area on the upper jaw is alveolar process between central incisors, which increases with age from 1045,14±59,81 to 1318±69,28. The least indices of optical density were determined in area of the cusp of the upper jaw: the first group presented 174,21±38,94, and the third one included 338,87±26,91. Conclusions: Densitometry of bony tissue with computer tomography is diagnostically informative and available method for investigation and it can be used for diagnostics of bony tissue condition and for evaluation of orthodontic treatment.
Keywords: malocclusion
bone density
upper jaw
ISSN: 0043-5147
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра післядипломної освіти лікарів-ортодонтів

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