Навчальні матеріали та презентації. Кафедра іноземних мов з латинською мовою та медичною термінологією

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  • Документ
    Lexical and Grammar Features of Academic Writing in Medical English
    (Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, 2017) Лисанець, Юлія Валеріївна; Лисанец, Юлия Валериевна; Lysanets, Y. V.
    The prevalence of English as not only the lingua franca, but as an important transmission medium of scientific knowledge in our time compels the professionals in all spheres of science and technology to render their research results in English in order to be understood and acknowledged, and ultimately to succeed in the wider English-speaking world. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to acquire the so-called “academic literacy” in the English language. Therefore, PhD students are expected to be not only fluent in English, but also well-versed in the academic style and standards of the English language.