Оцінка рівня психологічної адаптації у ВІЛ інфікованих з непсихотичними психічними розладами
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У статті наведено результати комплексного клініко-психодіагностичного обстеження 43-х ВІЛ
інфікованих пацієнтів з непсихотичними психічними розладами. За результатами дослідження визначено, що попри певну частку адаптованих до хвороби серед обстежених з ВІЛ статусом, у більшості хворих
спостерігаються інтерпсихічна, і меншою мірою, інтрапсихічна дезадаптації. У інфікованих на ВІЛ, яким
притаманна саморуйнівна поведінка, виявлено більший ступінь розладів адаптації порівняно з групою без
аутоагресивної поведінки.
There was revealed a lack of research on mechanisms for the formation of behavioural abnormalities in HIV-infected people after the preliminary survey of scientific literature. The purpose of the study. Assessment of the level of psychological adaptation in HIV infected with non-psychotic mental disorders, depending on the presence of self-destructive (auto-aggressive) behaviour. The object and methods of research. The comprehensive clinical and psychodiagnostic survey of 43 HIVinfected patients with non-psychotic mental disorders was conducted, which included analysis of primary medical documentation, clinical and diagnostic interview, M. Luscher’s “Color Test” (eight-color version), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the methodology of psychological diagnostics of types of attitude to the disease (TAD). The examined patients were divided into 2 groups of observation, depending on the presence/absence of selfdestructive (auto-aggressive) behaviour. The statistical processing of the results was carried out using the STATISTICA 6.1 software (StatSoftInc., Serial No. AGAR909E415822FA) using the corresponding tasks of the descriptive and analytical biostatistics methods. Results and discussion. The age of the examined patients ranged from 21 to 58 years and amounted to an average of 38.53 (8.10) years – M (SD). Among the examined patients, infected males (62.79%) with secondary education (48.84%), unemployed (69.77%), and single (69.77%) heterosexual orientation (83.72%) prevailed. The duration of HIV infection in them ranged from 1 month to 20 years and amounted to an average of 4.0 (0.5, 7.0) years – Me (25%, 75%). The leading place in people without symptoms of self-destructive behaviour is asteno-depressive disorder, in patients with autoaggression is anxiety-depressive disorder (29.41% and 19.23% respectively, p <0.05). Cognitive impairment (less than 26 points for MoCA) was detected in 34 patients (79.07%). The choice of purple color was in the first place along with the main colors at 20.93% when the Lusher test was the total deviation from the autogenous norm of color selection was observed in almost half of the cases of HIV infected patients. Types of relations with the disease characterized by violations of personal and psychosocial adaptation were 58.14% (the main type of response – sensitively ergotaptic) with the predominance of interpersonal maladaptation over intrapsychiatric. Conclusion. In spite of a certain proportion of HIV-infected persons adapted to the disease, in most patients there is an interpersonal and, to a lesser extent, intrapsychiatric disadaptation. The examined patients react to the disease mainly by the sensitively ergopathic type. In general, those infected with HIV who have a self-destructive behaviour have discovered a greater degree of adaptation disorders compared to the group without auto-aggressive behaviour.
There was revealed a lack of research on mechanisms for the formation of behavioural abnormalities in HIV-infected people after the preliminary survey of scientific literature. The purpose of the study. Assessment of the level of psychological adaptation in HIV infected with non-psychotic mental disorders, depending on the presence of self-destructive (auto-aggressive) behaviour. The object and methods of research. The comprehensive clinical and psychodiagnostic survey of 43 HIVinfected patients with non-psychotic mental disorders was conducted, which included analysis of primary medical documentation, clinical and diagnostic interview, M. Luscher’s “Color Test” (eight-color version), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the methodology of psychological diagnostics of types of attitude to the disease (TAD). The examined patients were divided into 2 groups of observation, depending on the presence/absence of selfdestructive (auto-aggressive) behaviour. The statistical processing of the results was carried out using the STATISTICA 6.1 software (StatSoftInc., Serial No. AGAR909E415822FA) using the corresponding tasks of the descriptive and analytical biostatistics methods. Results and discussion. The age of the examined patients ranged from 21 to 58 years and amounted to an average of 38.53 (8.10) years – M (SD). Among the examined patients, infected males (62.79%) with secondary education (48.84%), unemployed (69.77%), and single (69.77%) heterosexual orientation (83.72%) prevailed. The duration of HIV infection in them ranged from 1 month to 20 years and amounted to an average of 4.0 (0.5, 7.0) years – Me (25%, 75%). The leading place in people without symptoms of self-destructive behaviour is asteno-depressive disorder, in patients with autoaggression is anxiety-depressive disorder (29.41% and 19.23% respectively, p <0.05). Cognitive impairment (less than 26 points for MoCA) was detected in 34 patients (79.07%). The choice of purple color was in the first place along with the main colors at 20.93% when the Lusher test was the total deviation from the autogenous norm of color selection was observed in almost half of the cases of HIV infected patients. Types of relations with the disease characterized by violations of personal and psychosocial adaptation were 58.14% (the main type of response – sensitively ergotaptic) with the predominance of interpersonal maladaptation over intrapsychiatric. Conclusion. In spite of a certain proportion of HIV-infected persons adapted to the disease, in most patients there is an interpersonal and, to a lesser extent, intrapsychiatric disadaptation. The examined patients react to the disease mainly by the sensitively ergopathic type. In general, those infected with HIV who have a self-destructive behaviour have discovered a greater degree of adaptation disorders compared to the group without auto-aggressive behaviour.
Ключові слова
ВІЛ інфіковані, непсихотичні психічні розлади, психологічна адаптація, тест Люшера, HIV infected, non-psychotic mental disorders, psychological adaptation, Luscher test
Бібліографічний опис
Оцінка рівня психологічної адаптації у ВІЛ інфікованих з непсихотичними психічними розладами / І. Д. Спіріна, Є. С. Фаузі, О. М. Гненна [та ін.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2019. – Вип. 1, т. 1 (148). – С. 167–173.