Похилько, Валерій ІвановичЦвіренко, Світлана МиколаївнаЛисанець, Юлія ВалеріївнаPokhylko, V. I.Tsvirenko, S. M.Lysanets, Yu. V.2017-10-032017-10-032017Pokhylko V. I. Age-related features and pathology of blood in children / V. I. Pokhylko, S. M. Tsvirenko, Yu. V. Lysanets. – Poltava, 2017. – 139 с.UDC: 616+616.15]-053.2(075.8)ВВС: 57.33я73https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/518The manual highlights the issues of embryogenesis, age-related features, semiotics of lesion, examination methods and diseases of hemic system in children. The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels, and can be used by medical interns and primary care doctors.enBlood systemchildrenAge-related features and pathology of blood in childrenВікові особливості та патологія крові у дітейBook