Mytrofanov, I. I.Lysenko, I. V.Riabushko, M. M.Hryn, V. H.Riabushko, R. M.Bilash, V. P.Митрофанов, Ігор ІвановичЛисенко, Ігор ВалентиновичРябушко, Микола МиколайовичГринь, Володимир ГригоровичРябушко, Роман МиколайовичБілаш, Валентина ПавлівнаМитрофанов, Игорь ИвановичЛысенко, Игорь ВалентиновичРябушко, Николай НиколаевичГринь, Владимир ГригорьевичРябушко, Роман НиколаевичБилаш, Валентина Павловна2021-06-172021-06-172021Health disorder assosiated with permanent disability as the sign of bodily harm / I. I. Mytrofanov, I. V. Lysenko, M. M. Riabushko [et. al.] // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2021. – Vol. LXXIV, issue 6. – Р. 1396–1400.0043-5147 The aim: The paper is aimed at creation of the procedure and criteria for determining a health disorder associated with permanent disability as a sign of serious bodily harm. Materials and methods: To identify the problems faced by forensic medical and judicial practice in determining a health disorder associated with permanent disability, we studied more than 100 criminal proceedings from 2007 to the present time. Results: Ways to further improvement of the procedure for conducting expert studies on health disorders, associated with persistent loss of general ability to work as a characteristic feature of the bodily harm have been found to avoid errors in forensic medical and judicial practice. The issues of conducting forensic medical examinations to determine the degree of loss of general ability to work remain unresolved. The lack of joint research projects conducted by both medical and legal scientists leads to the polysemy and different approaches in the stating of certain concepts that are the subject of study of both medical and law sciences. Currently, the definition of the offence against health is debatable and the issues of criteria for determining such damage are not completely settled to date. Conclusions: We consider the development of the Procedure and Criteria for determining the degree (in percentage) of the permanent loss of general ability to work of victims of criminal offences, established by forensic medical experts, is crucialukserious bodily harmpermanent disabilityforensic medical and judicial practiceHealth disorder assosiated with permanent disability as the sign of bodily harmРозлади здоров’я пов’язані зі стійкою інвалідністю, як ознака спричинення тілесних ушкодженьНарушения состояния здоровья, связанные со стойкой инвалидностью, как признак нанесения телесных поврежденийArticle10.36740/WLek202106120