Vares, Ya. E.Filipskyi, A. V.Filipska, T. A.2021-02-242021-02-242020Vares Ya. E. Mandibular osteotomy in a patient with eisenmenger syndrome: case report / Ya. E. Vares, A. V. Filipskyi, T. A. Filipska // Матеріали науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю «Мультидисциплінарний підхід в ортодонтичному лікуванні», присвяченої 100-річчю Української медичної стоматологічної академії та 30-річчю кафедри післядипломної освіти лікарів-ортодонтів, м. Полтава, 12–13 листопада 2020 р. – Полтава, 2020. – С. 21. of the topic. The presence of abnormalities of jaw bones causes a significant cosmetic and psychological discomfort to a person with such a problem. Currently, the planning and surgical treatment of malocclusion in patients without concomitant diseases is a routine process. The situation is a completely different when a patient has serious diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular system, which may be a contraindication to such treatment. Aim. Presentation of our own experience of a multidisciplinary approach to the orthognathic treatment of patient with malformation of the maxillofacial area with severe concomitant pathology. Materials and methods. A 30-year-old patient, with the presence of Eisenmenger syndrome, progeny and open bite - a class III skeletal defect with a significant cosmetic and functional defect was chosen as a clinical case. The DDS-Pro software was selected to plan the operation. A bilateral sagittal split osteotomy of the mandible was selected as a method of surgery.enmandibular osteotomyeisenmenger syndromeMandibular osteotomy in a patient with eisenmenger syndrome: case reportArticle