Ivanytska, T.Burmak, Y.Petrov, Ye.Treumova, S.Ivanytskyi, I.Іваницька, Тетяна АнатоліївнаБурмак, Юрій ГригоровичПетров, Євген ЄвгеновичТреумова, Світлана ІванівнаІваницький, Ігор Валерійович2018-06-112018-06-112018Daily monitoring of arterial pressure as a method of early diagnosis of arterial hypertension in young patients / T. A. Ivanytska, Yu. H. Burmak, Ye. Y. Petrov [at al.] // Полтавські дні громадського здоров’я : матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. з міжнар. уч., Полтава, 25 травня 2018 року. – Wiadomosci Lekarskie, – 2018, Том LXXI – № 3, ч. 2. – С. 787.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8213Thus, it can be concluded that daily monitoring of blood pressure is a highly sensitive method that allows diagnosing arterial hypertension in young patients in the early stages. It should be noted that the majority of patients with arterial hypertension had pathological daily profiles, which indicates an unfavorable prognosis and it needs for more careful management of such patients. It seems that we should change our traditional practice to diagnose and manage BP according to office measurements and more broadly use 24-h ABPM, particularly in young patients, to optimize BP control.enarterial hypertension24-hour blood pressure monitoringyoung ageDaily monitoring of arterial pressure as a method of early diagnosis of arterial hypertension in young patientsArticle