Dubinina, V. O.Ksonz, I. V.Bilash, S. M.Abyzova, L.VBilanov, O. S.Ksonz, V. I.Дубініна, Віра ОлександрівнаКсьонз, Ігор ВолодимировичБілаш, Сергій МихайловичАбизова, Лариса ВіталіївнаБіланов, Олег СергійовичКсьонз, Володимир Ігорович2024-02-272024-02-272023Axiological dimensions of medical deontology in pediatric surgery / V. O. Dubinina, I. V. Ksonz, S. M. Bilash, L. V. Abyzova, O. S. Bilanov, V. I. Ksonz // Paediatric Surgery (Ukraine). – 2023. – № 4 (81). – Р. 108–113.2521-1358 (Online)2304-0041 (Print)UDC 617-053.2:614.253https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23062Philosophy and axiology constitute the worldview and methodological basis of medical deontolo gy, particularly in surgery. The genesis of knowledge about moral and ethical principles and the professional duty of a pediatric surgeon is presented in the form of a logical chain: philosophy – axiology – deontology – medical deontology – deontology in surgery – deontology in pediatric surgery. The process of forming the deontological competence of medical professionals in pediatric surgery will be successful if the organization of deontological training for future healthcare providers is based on principles of humanism, in compliance with the requirements of the social environment, and implemented in the educational process through a productive mechanism. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.enaxiologyvalueethicsmedical deontologydeontological competencepediatric surgeryhumanismAxiological dimensions of medical deontology in pediatric surgeryArticle