Talash, V. V.Kostrikova, Iu. APustovoit, A. L.Талаш, Вікторія ВолодимирівнаКострікова, Юлія АнатоліївнаПустовойт, Ганна Леонідівна2022-11-012022-11-012022Talash V. V. Collection of test tasks «Fundamentals of internal medicine (rheumatology)» : textbook / V. V. Talash, Iu. A. Kostrikova, A. L. Pustovoit. – Poltava, 2022. – 124 p.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19349Recommended by the Central Methodical Commission of Poltava State Medical University as a textbook for applicants for higher education in medical faculties of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine who study in English (minutes of the Central Methodical Commission № 1, 29.09.2022)enCollection of test tasks «Fundamentals of internal medicine (rheumatology)»Learning Object616.71 – 002:378