Devyatkina, N. M.Дев'яткіна, Наталія МиколаївнаДевяткина, Наталья Николаевна2019-05-072019-05-072018Devyatkina N. M. Еffect of Brassica oleracea extract on the erythron state during chronic yttrium salt intak / N. M. Devyatkina // Wiadomosci lekarskie. – 2018. – Т. LXXI, nr. 7. – С. 1259–1262. samples obtained were studied to evaluate red blood cells (RBC) count, hematocrit, total hemoglobin, RBC indices and reticulocyte content (Rt). The total number of karyocytes in the bone marrow of the femoral bone of the rats and their myelogram were investigated. The administration of yttrium acetate to the animals did not cause signi cant changes in “red” blood, but resulted in decreased Rt content compared with the intact control. There was a decrease in the karyocyte count in the bone marrow, the count of normoblasts and the total count of all erythroid cells. The use of the broccoli extract resulted in an increase in the blood Rt content in 1.4 times compared with the same level of yttrium loading without pharmacological correction. In the bone marrow of the animals of this group, the number of erythroid cells increased as well as the number of pro-normoblasts.ensalt of yttriumextract of broccolierythropoiesisred blood cellsЕffect of Brassica oleracea extract on the erythron state during chronic yttrium salt intakВплив екстракту Brassica oleracea на стан еритрону при хронічному введенні солі ітріюВлияние экстракта Brassica oleracea на состояние эритрона при хроническом введении соли итрияArticle