Nowakowski, Piotr T.2020-07-012020-07-012019Nowakowski P. T. Deontological considerations on academic collaboration in Poland / P. T. Nowakowski // Актуальні питання лінгвістики, професійної лінгводидактики, психології і педагогіки вищої школи : зб. статей ІV Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Полтава, 7–8 листопада 2019 р.). – Полтава : Астрая, 2019. – С. 287–293. author conducted deontological deliberations concerning collaboration among academic workers in the reality of Polish universities. In the view of potential irregularities that threaten this cooperation, it has been investigated what answer is brought in this regard by the ethical codes of universities but also how this problem is perceived by the students who tend to be critical and keen observers. As far as codification is concerned of standards related to the issue in question, Polish academic environment is not in a bad condition. It seems that the problem has been noticed. However, when those documents are perceived as a collection of not so much written, but rather actually recognized values, then the quoted remarks of the students would prove that there is more work to be performed in this respect, which should be deepened under studies of quantitative and qualitative nature. One clear conclusion is drawn from the performed analyses. Namely undermining the authority of one academic by another - in particular in the eyes of the students - results not only in weakening the authority of the humiliated person but mainly of the humiliating individual. Moreover, it contributes to straining the authority of an academic as such.ukacademic workeracademic communityintra-academic collaborationacademic deontologyacademic ethical codeDeontological considerations on academic collaboration in PolandArticle811.161.2.