Sartipi, N. M.Tkachenko, E. V.Abdelmaged, I.Khalafalla, A.Hennes, G.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2021-02-262021-02-262017Occlusion dependence upon dominant extremity and gender in the HSEEU «UMCA» iranian and ukrainian students / H. N. Sartipi, E. V. Tkachenko, I. Abdelmaged [et al.] // Медична наука та практика ХХІ століття : зб. тез наук. робіт учасників міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Київ, 3–4 лютого 2017р.). – Київ, 2017. – С. 61–66. occlusion is an investigation subject in many corners of the world for instance in Iran in ethno-gender typologic aspect, ethno-gender-age typological aspect Malocclusions represent very important problems of dentistry whichis studied in different countries taking into account various typological aspects in Iran in ethnic, ethno-age in children, ethno-age in 20-25-yeared people ethno-gender in people, in small rabbits, ethno-gender-age in the 31,6 years adults of both genders, in the 13-26-year old men and women, in ethno-gender-age aspect in boys and girls .ennormal occlusiondentistrytypological aspectsOcclusion dependence upon dominant extremity and gender in the HSEEU «UMCA» iranian and ukrainian studentsThesis