Maksymenko, A. I.Kuz, I. O.Sheshukova, O. V.Максименко, Аліна ІванівнаКузь, Ірина ОлексіївнаШешукова, Ольга ВікторівнаМаксименко, Алина ИвановнаКузь, Ирина АлексеевнаШешукова, Ольга Викторовна2020-12-152020-12-152020-09Maksymenko A. I. Dental status analysis in children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus / A. I. Maksymenko, I. O. Kuz, O. V. Sheshukova // International scientific and practical conference «New trends and unresolved issues of preventive and clinical medicine» : сonference proceedings, Lublin, the Republic of Poland, Sept. 25–26, 2020. – Lublin : Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing», 2020. – P. 137–140. mellitus is characterized by a high prevalence, lifelong course, early disability and high mortality rates. Diabetes mellitus ranks third in terms of morbidity and mortality in developed countries.The presence of type I diabetes mellitus in children is the main risk factor for periodontitis. Due to hypoglycemia, metabolism in the periodontal tissues is disturbed, which in turn leads to the progression of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the oral cavity.Purpose of the study. To determine the structure of dental morbidity in children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. There are certain changes in the oral cavity in children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, compared with children without such pathology, which consist in a high level of prevalence and intensity of periodontal tissue inflammation and a higher intensity of the carious process.endiabetes mellituschildrenstructure of dental morbidityDental status analysis in children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitusArticle