Dobrovolska, O. V.Marchenko, K. V.Dobrovolskii, O. V.Dvornyk, V. M.Kuz, G. M.Riabushko, N. O.Добровольська, Оксана ВолодимирівнаМарченко, Костянтин ВалентиновичДобровольський, Олександр ВолодимировичДворник, Валентин МиколайовичКузь, Гельфіра МаліківнаРябушко, Наталія Олексіївна2023-03-012023-03-012022Dental implantology: surgical and prosthetic aspects : recommended by the University`s scientific council as a textbook for students of higher medical schools of the IV level of accreditation and dentists – prosthodontists and surgeons / O. V. Dobrovolska, K. V. Marchenko, O. V. Dobrovolskii [et al.] ; Poltava Sate Medical University. – Poltava, 2022. – 216 p. manual covers the issues of restoration of the lost functions of the dentition due to partial and complete loss of teeth, functional features of removable and fixed prosthetic structures with support on dental implants. The following sections are presented: examination of patients when planning implantation, modern surgical implantation protocols and methods of dental prosthetics. The text of the manual is accompanied by illustrated material. The publication is recommended for dentists, teachers and students of dental faculties of medical institutions.enDental implantology: surgical and prosthetic aspectsДентальна імплантологія: хірургічні та ортопедичні аcпектиBook616.314-089.843