Kiani, M.Yanko, N.Pankevich, A.Панькевич, Артур Іванович2017-10-312017-10-312015Kiani M. Applications of saliva in diagnostic of diseases - A comprehensive review / M. Kiani, N. Yanko, A. Pankevich // Вісник проблем біології та медицини. – 2015. – Вып. 4, Т. 1 (124). – С. 31–41.УДК 616.314.9:615.327 current development of diagnostic biomarkers in salivary diagnostics has led to the development of robust diagnostic tools for dentists to use in making clinical decisions and predicting treatment outcomes. An increasing number of systemic diseases and conditions have been shown to be reflected diagnostically in saliva. Along with these developments are technology advancements that have overcome barriers to the widespread implementation of salivary diagnostics. These barriers include technological problems related to achieving high sensitivity, high specificity, miniaturization, high throughput, automation, portability, low cost, high functionality and speed; overcoming them has enabled researchers to detect and measure multiple disease markers. These challenges have largely been met as a result of careful studies of salivary gland physiology, development of sensitive amplification methods (ELISA, RT-PCR), and education of the scientific community in the methodology for obtaining and dealing with salivary samples. Such miniaturized saliva based diagnostic technologies as OFNASET will enable the use of minute amounts of bodily fluids to yield critical patient information that reflects health and disease status. These technologies will allow clinicians to achieve real-time and simultaneous assessment of multiple diseases. Diagnostic molecular targets in saliva are the salivary proteome and the salivary transcriptome. Salivary analysis can be done for the diagnosis of the oral, infectious, systemic, autoimmune, and hereditary diseases, malignancy, monitoring of levels of hormones, detection of drugs, bone turnover marker in saliva, forensic evidence, genetic disorders, and occupational and environmental medicine. The ability to monitor health status, disease onset and progression, and treatment out come through non-invasive means is a highly desirable goal in health care promotion and delivery. An initiative catalyzed by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) has created a roadmap to achieve this goal through the use of oral fluids as the diagnostic medium to scrutinize the health and disease status. The recent advances in oral fluid biomarker diagnostics has been fuelled by novel molecular approaches (e.g. proteomics, transcriptomics and genomics) and metagenomic analyses that have broadened the discovery of microbial pathogens associated with systemic and oral diseases. Similarly, these experimental approaches have been successfully used in the diagnosis of non-infectious systemic and oral conditions (e.g., cancers, autoimmune diseases, renal disease and diabetes). Diagnostic kits for S. mutans and Lactobacillus counting and salivary buffering capacity widely use in dental practice. The p53 antibodies and salivary defensin-1 level can be detected in the saliva of patients diagnosed with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Such biomarkers as Matrix metalloproteinase-8, Matrix metalloproteinase-9, Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), Interleukin- 6 (IL-6) alone and in combination, S100 proteins, Lactoferrin, Macrophage inflammatory protein-1α, 8-hydroxy- deoxyguanosine, and periodontopatogenic bacteria were successfully implementated in periodontal disease practice due to ELISA and PCR. The future of this field will depend on further validation of disease (and stage) specific biomarkers and their incorporation into state-of-the-art, multiplex assays that are versatile, quantitative, reliable, sensitive, specific, rapid, robust, and cost effective for broad implementation in diagnostic programs. Возможность контролировать состояние здоровья, начало, прогрессирование, и лечение за- болеваний с помощью неинвазивных методов является важной задачей в продвижении и оказании меди- цинской помощи. В этой статье представлены биологические и биохимические маркеры различных заболе- ваний в слюне и научно обосновано такое её использование. Технологии, работающие со слюной, прошли путь от ИФА и ПЦР до такого миниатюрного автоматизированного портативного теста как OFNASET c высокой пропускной способностью и сравнительно низкой стоимостью. Можливість контролювати стан здоров’я, початок та прогресування, а також лікування захво- рювання через неінвазивні методи є дуже важливим завданням у просуванні і наданні медичних послуг. У цій статті представлені біологічні та біохімічні маркери різних захворювань у слині та науково обґрунтоване таке її використання. Технології, що працюють зі слиною, пройшли шлях від ІФА та ПЦР до такого мініатюрного автоматизованого портативного тесту як OFNASET із високою пропускною здатністю та порівняно низькою вартістю.ensalivatranscriptomesystemic diseasesgenomicsproteomediagnosticsсистемные заболеваниядиагностикаслюнагеномпротеомтранскриптомслинатранскриптомдіагностикасистемні захворюванняпротеомгеномApplications of saliva in diagnostic of diseases - A comprehensive reviewЗастосування слини в діагностиці захворювань – всеохоплюючий оглядПрименение слюны в диагностике заболеваний – всесторонний обзорArticle