Ткаченко, Ірина МихайлівнаКоваленко, Віктор ВікторовичСкрипников, Петро МиколайовичВодоріз, Ярослав ЮрійовичTkachenko, I. M.Kovalenko, V. V.Skrypnikov, P. M.Vodoriz, Y. Y.2018-10-302018-10-302018Reasoning of adhesive system choice for treatment of patients with increased tooth wear / I. M. Tkachenko, V. V. Kovalenko, P. M. Skrypnikov, Y. Y. Vodoriz // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. Czasopismo Polskiego Towarzyctwa Lekarskiego. – 2018. – T. 71, Nr 6. – P. 1129–1134.0043-5147https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8821Introduction: Perceiving the high prevalence of direct composite restoration technique usage for the rehabilitation of patients with increased tooth wear, as well as during the sanitation of oral cavity before indirect methods of rehabilitation, there is a necessity in more detailed reasoning of adhesive system application for treatment of dentition with increased tooth wear. The aim: The purpose of our work was to study the microstructure and chemical compound of hard tissues of teeth on background of increased tooth wear with the presence of a carious process with the application of adhesive systems of 5th and 7th generation. Materials and methods: The researche of teeth with physiological and increased tooth wear with the presence of carious process in the amount of 40 pcs. was carried out with the help of a raster electron microscope (SEM) Mira 3 LMU (Tescan, Czech Republic) with a maximum resolution of 1 nm and a maximum increase of 1 000 000. Elemental composition of the local area was determined using the X-max 80mm2 energy dissipation spectrometer ( Oxford Instruments, UK), integrated into a raster electron microscope. Results: The number of enamel prisms per square area in the case of increased tooth wear is 19 per 100 microns on average and 22.65 per 100 microns in carious teeth. Conclusions: Greater permeability is observed in the adhesive system of 7th generation (Adper Easy One), which allows it to be recommended for usege in the cases of severe caries and increased tooth wear.endirect composite restorationtooth wearadhesive systemraster electron microscopyReasoning of adhesive system choice for treatment of patients with increased tooth wearWybór systemu klejącego w leczeniu pacjentów z problemem nasilonego ścierania się zębówArticle