Девяткин, Евгений АлександровичДев'яткін, Євген ОлександровичDevyatkin, E. AКостиленко, Юрий ПетровичКостиленко, Юрій ПетровичKostilenkо, Yu. P.2019-03-222019-03-221981Девяткин Е. А. Строение продольного шва костной основы твердого неба в период формирования постоянного прикуса / Е. А. Девяткин, Ю. П. Костиленко // Архив анатомии, гистологии и эмбриологии. – 1981. –Т. LXXX (80), № 4. – С. 54–61.0004-1947 (Print)1026-3543 (Print)УДК 611.725-08 : 612.66https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9835The investigations performed support the literature data that the longitudinal connective tissue suture in the osseous base of the hard palate during formation of the permanent bite possesses all the necessary tissue components in order to realize certain osteogenic functions. Its blood supply is provided at the expense of the micro- circulatory bed including arterioles, precapillaries, capillaries and postcapillaries. The main morphological signs, demonstrating active osteogenic processes in the connective tissue suture of the hard palate, are preserved during the whole period when the permanent bite is forming; they remain more or less constant, while the form of the connective tissue suture of the hard palate undergoes certain rearrangements. It is necessary to note that among tissue components of the longitudinal connective tissue suture of the hard palate, besides osteoblasts and osteoclasts, Sharpey’s fibres are important constructive elements. In addition to their mechanical function, they are capable to participate in transport of fluid and dissolved substances from the interstitium of the connective tissue suture into the osseous tissue along peculiar tubules in which the Sharpey’s fibres are situated.ruСтроение продольного шва костной основы твердого неба в период формирования постоянного прикусаStructure of the longitudinal suture in the osseous base of the hard palate during formation of a permanent biteБудова поздовжнього шва кісткової основи твердого піднебіння в період формування постійного прикусуArticle