Tkachenko, E. V.Ткаченко, Олена ВікторівнаAyatollahi, Behzad2022-12-072022-12-072010Ayatollahi B. Why sinistrality study is of so great importance and big distribution nowadays / B. Ayatollahi ; scientific supervisor : E. V. Tkachenko // Актуальні проблеми експериментальної та клінічної медицини : тези доп. 66-ї підсумкової студентської наук. конф., 20 квітня 2010р. – Полтава, 2010. – С. 82–83. represents important adaptation factor for changeable or non-favorable environ­ mental conditions. Sinistrality belongs to such a phenomenon rate and importance of which got increased during latest years (sinisters amount together with ambidexters is approximately 20%). Interest to sinistrality as a phenomenon grows in many branches of theoretical and practical medicine. Only nowadays there is a real beginning for special devices usage for left-handers in dentistry in part in Turkey and in Belgorod.enWhy sinistrality study is of so great importance and big distribution nowadaysThesis