Pikul, K. V.Syzova, L. M.Il'chenko, V. I.Zvyagolska, I. M.Пікуль, Катерина ВікторівнаСизова, Людмила МихайлівнаІльченко, Валентина ІванівнаЗвягольська, Ірина Миколаївна2021-02-182021-02-182021Diphtheria: current public health challenge in ukraine and worldwide (literature review) / K. V. Pikul, L. M. Syzova, V. I. Il'chenko, I. M. Zvyagolska // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2021. – Vol. LXXIV, issue 1. – P. 137–143.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14926The relevance of the topic is determined by the priority and importance of preserving the health of Ukrainian population by improving the current rate of vaccinated individuals against diphtheria. Diphtheria is assigned to one of the dangerous and life-threatening diseases in humans. Immunization is the only means of creating a favorable epidemic situation. Ensuring of non-susceptibility of people to this infection prevents the incidence and spread of diphtheria in the population.enchildrendiphtheriaprophylaxismanagementDiphtheria: current public health challenge in ukraine and worldwide (literature review)Article