Гринь, Володимир ГригоровичУстенко, Роман ЛеонідовичПілюгін, Андрій ВалентиновичСаричев, Ярослав ВолодимировичЛавренко, Дмитро ОлександровичHryn, V. H.Ustenko, R. L.Pilyugin, A. V.Sarychev, Y. V.Lavrenko, D. О.Гринь, Владимир ГригорьевичУстенко, Роман ЛеонидовичПилюгин, Андрей ВалентиновичСарычев, Ярослав ВладимировичЛавренко, Дмитрий Александрович2018-09-102018-09-102018Stereomorphology of the peripheral zone of the human prostate (Stereomorfologia strefy obwodowej gruczołu krokowego u człowieka) / V. H. Hryn, R. L. Ustenko, A. V. Pilyugin [at al.] // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2018. – Т. LXXI, nr. 5. – Р. 992–995.0043-5147https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8519ABSTRACT Introduction: The human prostate gland is a complex organ that consists of two main components – glandular and non-glandular. The first of them represents a compound of components of different origin, structure, location, and complexity of spatial organization. Their stereomorphology and microanatomical interrelations remain understudied for a number of reasons. The aim: The objective of the research was to study the stereomorphological features of the glandular component of the peripheral zone of the prostate in view of its zonal structure concept. Materials and methods: The material for the study was the glandular zone of the human prostate, which corresponds to the peripheral zone of the prostate according to the classification (Mc.Neal J.E., 1988). The following methods were used in the study: histological (4 mkm thick paraffin sections), microscopic (light microscopy using the Olympus BX-41 microscope), stereomorphological (obtaining waxed model reconstructions based on graphic ones). The study was conducted on 10 isolated prostate preparations (10 series of 50 preparations in each) taken from the deceased men without changes in the organ under investigation. The prostate gland was fixed in a 10% solution of buffered formalin, followed by obtaining serial plane-parallel sections and staining with hematoxylin and eosin according to the conventional technique. Results and conclusions: The ducts of the glands of the peripheral zone of the human prostate normally have recurrent luminal dilatations, which, like the multi-cavity terminal portions, can serve as a place for depositing a secret. The ducts of the peripheral zone glands, with the exception of the main duct, visually differ little in diameter. Their walls and walls of intra-acinar cavities are lined with homologous epithelial cells. Therefore, there is no clear morphological boundary between the transfer of the terminal portion to the duct and from one excretory duct to the other.enпередміхурова залоза людинипереферична зонастереоморфологіяпротокова-ацинарна системаhuman prostate glandperipheral zonestereomorphologyduct-acinar systemпредстательная железа человекапереферическая зонастереоморфологияпротоково-ацинарная системаStereomorphology of the peripheral zone of the human prostateStereomorfologia strefy obwodowej gruczołu krokowego u człowiekaСтереоморфология периферической зоны предстательной железы человекаСтереоморфологія переферичної зони передміхурової залози людиниArticle