Ряднова, Вікторія ВікторівнаRyadnova, V.2017-11-222017-11-221997Ряднова В. В. Состояние свободнорадикального окисления липидов у больных простой диабетической ангиоретинопатией в разные сезоны года / В. В. Ряднова // Офтальмологический журнал. – 1997. – № 1. – С. 220–224.УДК 617.735-02:616.379-008.64-07+577.11https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3288The investigation of clinicobiochemical indices in patients with angioretinopathy in different seasons of the year have shown that number of complications of diabetic retinopathy is greater in a winter-spring period. It is found that the intensity of free- radical processes is greater in patients, examined in a winter-spring period, on the background of a lower antioxidant provision. Close reversible correlative connections are also found between indices reflecting the level of free-radical oxidation and functional state of the vascular wall. The presented material is a foundation for the elaboration of differential schemes of the usage of antioxidants in a complex treatment of diabetic retinopathies.ukСостояние свободнорадикального окисления липидов у больных простой диабетической ангиоретинопатией в разные сезоны годаThe state of free-radical oxidation of lipids in patients with simple diabetic angi0retin0pathy in different seasons of the yearArticle