Tkachenko, E. V.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2021-02-222021-02-222019Tkachenko E. V. Control locus and other human typological aspects role in education, upbringing and treatment / E. V.Tkachenko // Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Методика навчання природничих дисциплін у середній та вищій школі» (XXVІ Каришинські читання), м. Полтава, 30–31 травня 2019 р. / за заг. ред. проф. М. В. Гриньової. – Полтава : Астрая, 2019. – С. 49–51. locus is assessed with ethno-age typological aspect taking into account in education and upbringing. Locus of control is thought to be rather important factor of family communication patterns , in part relatively to self-esteem in students in Iran There are tight correlations between creativity and internal control locus in Iranian students [15, p. 165-182], optimism and control locus in students [14, p. 165-181]. It can be also taken into account in children upbringing in part due to the fact that creativity is considered to be right hemisphere function that is dominant in left-handers. There exist also a connection between internal (inside) control locus and self-efficacy in the students , internal control locus and health-prompting behavior and the work without such a connection . Ethno-gender-age aspect is reflected in the works about comparison of behavioral activation/inhibition systems and control locus among girls and boys university students alexythymia in Iranian students boys and girls , control locus in normal hearing students (more internal) and the ones with hearing impairement (more external) , students’ (boys and girls) control locus relationship with the teachers disciplining various types fear of failure in the students with and without learning disabilities.enControl locuseducationEthno-gendertypological aspectsControl locus and other human typological aspects role in education, upbringing and treatmentThesis