Loban’, G.Faustova, M.Ananieva, M.Kostenko, V.Лобань, Галина АндріївнаФаустова, Марія ОлексіївнаАнаньєва, Майя МиколаївнаКостенко, Вікторія Геннадіївна2020-11-052020-11-052020COVID-19: the time for reconsidering and improving on-line learning in the context of medical education in Ukrain / G. Loban,’ M. Faustova, M. Ananieva, V. Kostenko // Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools. – 2020. – Vol. 38, № 2. – P. 139–143.ISSN 2708-0994https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13852The purpose of this review article is to highlight peculiarities of distance learning and methodology of its implementation and improvement at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy under the quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current paper highlights the main differences of distance learning from traditional classroom education in Ukraine. Moreover, we emphasise methods and forms of distance learning and some difficulties, which we faced in the state of COVID-19 emergency. However, transition from the traditional, in-person, learning to distance learning in the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy during the COVID-19 pandemic was successful.enCOVID-19medical students;pandemic;distance learning;educationCOVID-19: the time for reconsidering and improving on-line learning in the context of medical education in UkraineArticledoi: 10.33531/farplss.2020.2.25