Серватович, А. М.Лучинський, М. А.Бойцанюк, С. І.Суховолець, І. В.Чорній, А. В.Серватович, А. М.Лучинский, М. А.Бойцанюк, С. И.Суховолец, И. В.Чорний, А. В.Servatovych, А. М.Luchynskyi, M. A.Boitsaniuk, S. I.Sukhovolets, I. V.Chornii, A. V.2022-01-242022-01-242018Гістологічні порушення нирок, печінки і легень тварин після моделювання краніоскелетної травми та її корекції фітозасобом / А. М. Серватович, М. А. Лучинський, С. І. Бойцанюк [та ін.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 4, т. 1 (146). – С. 228–233.2523-41102077-4214https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17503З 21 доби експерименту в стромальних компонентах нирки, печінки та легені візуалізувалось нерівномірне кровонаповнення переважно венозного русла, яке поєднувалось із помірним набряком інтерстицію та формуванням вогнищевих поліморфноклітинних інфільтратів. В епітеліоцитах мала місце переважно білкова дистрофія. Застосування рослинного екстракту зменшувало периваскулярні набряки та поліморфноклітинну інфільтрацію міжальвеолярних перетинок у легенях, розвиток дистрофії епітелію вивідних канальців нирки і гепатоцитів. Поява двоядерних клітин свідчила про посилення регенераторної активності як у печінці, так і в нирках.С 21 суток эксперимента в стромальных компонентах почки, печени и легких визуализировалось неравномерное кровонаполнение преимущественно венозного русла, которое сочеталось с умеренным отеком интерстиция и формированием очаговых полиморфноклеточных инфильтратов. В эпителиоцитах имела место преимущественно белковая дистрофия. Применение фитоэкстракта уменьшало периваскулярные отеки и полиморфноклеточную инфильтрацию межальвеолярных перегородок в легких, развитие дистрофии эпителия выводных канальцев почки и гепатоцитов. Появление двухъядерных клеток свидетельствовала об усилении регенераторной активности как печени, так и в почкахIn the late period after cranio-skeletal trauma, the stimulation of reparative processes in organs and systems of the body is very important. In these circumstances, the effectiveness of phyto-medicines was not insufficiently studied. Phytho-pharmaceuticals include a number of natural biologically active substances capable of overcoming the mechanisms of damage and stimulating reparative processes. The absence of side effects and the background of high biological activity makes them a promising tool for correction of various pathological disorders and processes. The purpose of this work is to find out the histological changes of the kidneys, liver and lungs which appears in laboratory animals after modeling of cranio-skeletal trauma and correction of these changes by phytomixture. In experiments was used 99 non-linear white rats, 180-200 grams weight, which were on a standard vivarium diet. All animals were divided into three groups: control and two experimental. In both experimental groups (46 animals), under the conditions of thiopental-sodium anesthesia (40 mg per 1 kg body weight intraperitoneally), a moderate severity of closed craniocerebral trauma was modeled and caused a closed fracture of the femoral bones. The control group included 7 intact animals. After 14 days of post-traumatic period, for the first experimental group, the phytochemicals, which included Arnica montana, Elytrigia repens, Calendula officinalis, Urtica dioica and folium Betulae were used. The infusion was prepared at 1:10 and administered once a day to the experimental animals through the probe into the stomach at a dose of 10 ml per kilogram of animal mass daily from day 14 to day 35 of the experiment. In the second experimental group, an equivalent volume of physiological solution was intra gastrically injected during observation periods. The surviving animals, in conditions of thiopental-sodium anesthesia (80 mg per 1 kg of body weight intraperitoneally), after 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after trauma were taken out from the experiment by the method of total blood-flow from the heart. The erythrocyte index of intoxication (EII) and the content of fractions of medium weight molecules at 254 and 280 nm (MSM254, MSM280) were determined. In terms of cranio-skeletal injuries modeling during the late traumatic disease manifestations a significant increase of the level of endogenous intoxication was observed. It was manifested by increase of erythrocyte index value intoxication (EI) and content fractions average molecular weight (MSM) in the blood serum. The level of EI was significantly greater than control in all periods of observation with a moderate decline after 35 days. The characteristic feature of the dynamics of content MSM serum fractions is their high level after 14 days with normalization after 28 days and re-growth after 35 days. After applying phytomixture a significant decrease in endotoxemia was observed. Value of EI reaches the level of control after 35 days, and fractions MSM – starting from 28 days. Thus, after 21 days of the experiment in the stromal components of the kidneys, liver and lungs uneven blood supply mainly the venous channel was visualized. It was combined with moderate swelling of interstitium and the formation of focal polymorphic-cell infiltrates. In epitheliocytes there was mainly protein degeneration. The use of the herbal extract reduced perivascular edema and polymorphocyte infiltration of interalveolar lobes in the lungs, the development of the degeneration of the epithelium of the excretory renal tubule and hepatocytes. The appearance of dual-core cells showed an increase in regenerative activity in the liver and in the kidneys. There were discovered that simulated trauma is accompanied by dystrophic-necrotic disorders of the liver, kidney and lung tissues, which decrease until 35 days of the experiment, with the appearance of marked signs of regeneration. After the phytomixture using the signs of tissue recovery were more pronounced, especially after 35 days after injury.ukкраніоскелетна травмапізній періодендогенна інтоксикаціяфітотерапіяфітозбіркраниоскелетная травмапоздний периодэндогенная интоксикацияфитотерапияфитосборcranio-skeletal traumaendogenous intoxicationphytotherapyphytomixtureГістологічні порушення нирок, печінки і легень тварин після моделювання краніоскелетної травми та її корекції фітозасобомГистологические нарушения почек, печени и легких животных после моделирования краниоскелетной травмы и ее коррекции фитопрепаратомHistological changes of the kidneys, liver and lungs which appears in laboratory animals after modeling of cranio-skeletal trauma and its correction by phytomixtureArticle10.29254/2077-4214-2018-4-1-146-228-233616.61+616.24+616.36]-091.8-02:616.711/714-001-085.322-092.9