Zhukova, M. Yu.Tkachenko, O. V.Жукова, Марина ЮріївнаТкаченко, Олена Вікторівна2023-01-022023-01-022022Zhukova M. Yu. Some competencies varieties during the work with the foreign applicants / M. Yu. Zhukova, O. V. Tkachenko // Сучаснi концепцiï викладання природничих дисциплін в медичних освiтнiх закладах : матерiали XV Мiжнар. наук.-метод. iнтернет-конф., м. Харків, 15–16 листопада 2022 р. – Харків, 2022. – С. 108–110.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19697The authors use the data about competencies’ types while widening the division into the general and the special/professional medical ones by means of looking through the prism of teaching the foreign applicants with cultural, cross- or trans-cultural competencies acquiring during intercultural interrelations and enculturation/acculturation process that can be distinguished as integration (the best), assimilation, separation and margination by J. Berry (2005). There were conclusions about often strong ethnic and cultural intolerance and weak tolerance from the teachers and domestic students to the foreigners in the educational establishments together with other categories of Ukrainian inhabitants in the streets as well as much better academic performance in many foreign students comparatively to the domestic ones. Cross-cultural experience and its exchange were and still remain very helpful significantly to acquire cross-cultural competence by the foreign applicants as soon as possible and as more effectively as possible.enforeign studentsforeign applicantsdomestic studentsdomestic applicantspedagogyacademic performanceself-workpsychologyadaptationadjustmentcultural adaptationcultural adjustmentenculturationacculturationcross-cultural adaptationcross-cultural adjustmenttrans-cultural adaptationtrans-cultural adjustmentacademic adaptationacademic adjustmentcross-cultural experiencecross-cultural experience exchangecompetencegeneral competenceprofessional medical competencesspecial medical competenciescultural competencecross-cultural competencetrans-cultural competenceintercultural competenceintercultural interrelationsintegrationseparationmarginationethnic identityethnic toleranceethnic intolerancecultural toleranceassimilationSome competencies varieties during the work with the foreign applicantsThesis