Demkovych, AndriiBondarenko, YuriiHasiuk, PetroDenefil, OlhaZubchenko, SerhiiKalashnikov, DmytroДемкович, Андрій ЄвгеновичБондаренко, Юрій ІвановичГасюк, Петро АнатолійовичДенефіль, Ольга ВолодимирівнаЗубченко, Сергій ГригоровичКалашніков, Дмитро Вікторович2022-05-022022-05-022022-01Cytokinogenesis disorders in mechanisms of the experimental perodontitis development and their correction by flavonol / A. Demkovych, Y. Bondarenko, P. Hasiuk [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2022. – Vol. LXXV, issue 1, part 1. – P. 47–51.0043-5147 aim: Evaluation of changes in proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory units of the cytokine profile in the mechanisms of development of experimental bacterial-immune periodontitis and elucidation of the effect of flavonol quercetin on its parameters.enperiodontitisproinflammatory cytokinesimmune systemquercetinInflammatory processantiinflammatory cytokinesCytokinogenesis disorders in mechanisms of the experimental perodontitis development and their correction by flavonolArticle10.36740/WLek202201108