Tkachenko, E. V.Ткаченко, Олена ВікторівнаFazeli, Niaki Morteza KiyanVojdanifahr, HosseinHoshnudian, Karimi Narges2023-01-252023-01-252006Fazeli N. M. K. Left-handedness new aspects and their possisle usage in theoretical and practical medicine different branches / N. M. K. Fazeli, H. Vojdanifahr, K. N. Hoshnudian ; scientific leaders : E. V. Tkachenko // Актуальні проблеми сімейної медицини : тези доп. Всеукр. студентської наук. конф., м. Полтава, 26 квітня 2006 р. – Полтава, 2006. – С. 90–91. be, our work will improve possibilities in our students study and allow to use dif­ ferent teaching approaches for right-handed people, real and latent left-handed people and arnbidexes. Also may be this investigation will be useful in Logopedy and Paediatry and simply for children bringing up and study.enLeft-handedness new aspects and their possisle usage in theoretical and practical medicine different branchesThesis