Yeroshenko, G. А.Fedoniuk, L. Ya.Shevchenko, K. V.Kramarenko, D. R.Yachmin, А. І.Vilkhova, O. V.Skotarenko, T. A.Єрошенко, Галина АнатоліївнаФедонюк, Лариса ЯрославівнаШевченко, Костянтин ВасильовичКрамаренко, Денис РуслановичЯчмінь, Анастасія ІгорівнаВільхова, Олена ВікторівнаСкотаренко, Тетяна Анатоліївна2022-04-042022-04-042020Structural reorganization of the rats’ submandibular glands acini after the influence of 1% methacrylate / G. А. Yeroshenko, L. Ya. Fedoniuk, K. V. Shevchenko [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2020. – Vol. LXXIII, issue 7. – P. 1318–1322. methacrylate influence on the rats’ submandibular salivary glands causes the increase of secretory activity of glandular cells of the acini on day 14 of the experiment. It is confirmed by an increase of the height of the epithelial cells by 25.04% and is a compensatory reaction of the salivary glands to the action of methacrylate. This is accompanied by hypersalivation, which subsequently leads to complete depletion of the secretory apparatus of the seromucous cells of the acini and is confirmed by a decrease in the outer and inner diameters with decrease in height of epithelial cells of the acini of the submandibular salivary glands by 24.40%, due to prolonged effect of 1% methacrylate on the oral cavity mucosa.ensalivary glandsratsacini1% methacrylateepithelial cellsStructural reorganization of the rats’ submandibular glands acini after the influence of 1% methacrylate"Article