Веснина, Людмила ЭдуардовнаКайдашев, Игорь ПетровичVesnina, L.Kaidashev, I.Кайдашев, Ігор ПетровичВесніна, Людмила Едуардівна2017-11-072017-11-071999-11Веснина Л. Э. Экспрессия мембранных рецепторов лимфоцитов под влиянием пептидного комплекса почек на фоне действия иммуномодуляторов / Л. Э. Веснина, И. П. Кайдашев // Иммунология. – 1999. – № 6. – С. 36–39.УДК 615.276.4].015.46:612.46.014.2:577.112https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2464We studied the effect of a peptide extract from renal cortex on expression of lymphocyte surface immunoglobulin receptors under the action of endogenic immunomodulators 1L-2 and hydrocortisone in direct immunofluorescence reaction. We found out maximal fluorescence (as single clusters and patches), in incubation of lymphocytes with IL-2 (1:8). IL-2 incubation with the peptide extract increased binding of the cells with the antibodies. Hydrocortisone induced a decrease in fluorescence and disappearance of receptor rearrangement. In this case the peptide complex increased amount of fluorescent cells two-fold. The findings suggest that peptide molecules may be involved into interaction between immunocytes and special parenchymal.cells which is controlled by immunomodulators.ukЭкспрессия мембранных рецепторов лимфоцитов под влиянием пептидного комплекса почек на фоне действия иммуномодуляторовInfluence of the kidney peptide extract and immunomodulators on the expression qf lymphocytes membrane receptorsArticle