Рожко, В. І.Рожко, В. И.Rozhko, V. I.2020-04-292020-04-292017Рожко В. І. Вимірювання маркерів синдрому ендогенної інтоксикації у дітей з множинним карієсом на фоні захворювань шлунково-кишкового тракту / В. І. Рожко // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 3, т. 2 (138). – С. 212–214.2523-41102077-4214https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12655У статті подано результати обстеження дітей з множинним карієсом на фоні захворювань шлунково-кишкового тракту. Визначено рівень продуктів ПОЛ, полярних ліпідів (ПЛ) та середніх молекул (СМ) у сечі дітей основної, порівняльної та контрольної груп дослідження та проаналізовано ці дані відносно вікової категорії дітей. Отримані результати планується використати для розробки лікувально-профілактичної програми.В статье представлены результаты обследования детей с множественным кариесом на фоне заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта. Определен уровень продуктов ПОЛ, полярных липидов (ПЛ) и средних молекул в моче детей основной, сравнительной и контрольной групп исследования и проанализированы эти данные относительно возрастной категории детей. Полученные результаты планируется использовать для разработки лечебно-профилактической программы.The article presents the results of examination of children with rampant dental caries on the background of the gastrointestinal tract diseases. The results of the clinical examination showed that children with rampant caries on the background of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract had involvement of several systems of the body (urinary tract, respiratory, endocrine, etc.) in the pathological process, and that suggests the presence of endogenous intoxication syndrome in the examined children. Purpose: to determine the level of products of lipid peroxidation, polar lipids and medium molecules in children with rampant caries on the background of gastrointestinal (gastrointestinal) pathology; to compare data with those with intact teeth on the background of GI diseases and dental and somatic healthy children. Object and methods of research: biochemical, statistical. For verification of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication, 38 children with rampant dental caries on the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (main group), 38 examined with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intact teeth (comparative group) and 27 persons without dental and somatic diseases (control group), were studied the separation of products of lipid peroxidation, the presence of polar lipids as markers of membrane pathological processes and the level of medium molecules (an indicator of endogenous intoxication) in urine. Results: there were determined the levels of products of lipid peroxidation, polar lipids and middle molecules in the urine of children of basic, comparative and control groups and analyzed these data relatively to the age of children. As a result of our research, we have proved that children with caries on the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (main group) have significantly higher levels of markers of endogenous intoxication compared with the data in the control and comparative groups. The higher levels of medium molecules stimulate processes of membrane destruction and lipid peroxidation, medium molecules become endogenous toxins, and that sharply impairs the functional state of organs and systems of the body, in particular the tooth-jaw system. Thus, in the children of the main group the level of LPO products was 42.36% higher, polar lipids - 35.48% higher compared to the values of children in the comparative group, p <0.01. At the same time, in the children of the control group, the products of LPO and PL in the urine did not become artificial, and the level of medium molecules in the urine of children in this group was minimal (0.276 ± 0.022) of mind. Unit and 22.05% (p <0.05) and 46.84% (p <0.01) were higher due to the data from comparative and main group children. In this case, the level of medium molecules in the urine of the studied main group by 17,65% exceeded the level in comparison, p <0,05. The maximum increase in the incidence of endogenous intoxication was found in 13-15 year-old adolescents in the main group. Thus, the level of LPO products in the urine of children with dental caries on the background of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract was 1.9 times higher - (2.09 ± 0.06) versus (1.10 ± 0.05) UM, (p <0.01 ) And PL - 1.8 times - (1.84 ± 0.07) versus (1.02 ± 0.04) UM, (p <0.01), as compared to the data in comparison. Attention was drawn to the fact that in children of the main group the level of urinary medium molecules was 1.7 times and 1.3 times higher in relation to data from control and comparative groups in children, respectively. Discussion: we determined the dynamics of changes in endogenous intoxication markers based on the content of peroxide oxidation products of lipids, polar lipids and medium molecules in the urine of children with rampant caries on the background of GI tract infections. Taking into account that endogenous intoxication causes the occurrence of immunodeficiency and metabolic impairment of bone tissue remodeling, we consider it expedient to find out the microbiological, immunological state of the oral fluid and determine the structural and functional status of bone tissue in children with rampant caries on the background of GI tract diseases. The results will be used to develop therapeutic and prophylactic applications.ukендогенна інтоксикаціякарієсшлунково-кишковий трактэндогенная интоксикациякариесжелудочно-кишечный трактendogenous intoxicationtcariesgastrointestinal tracВимірювання маркерів синдрому ендогенної інтоксикації у дітей з множинним карієсом на фоні захворювань шлунково-кишкового трактуИзмерение маркеров синдрома эндогенной интоксикации у детей с множественным кариесом на фоне заболеваний желудочно-кишечного трактаMeasurement of markers of syndrome of endogenic intoxication in the children with rampant caries on the background of gastrointestinal tract diseasesArticle616.314 - 002.4- 06:616.34] - 053.2 - 07 - 08