Tkachenko, O.Khairddine, H.Moukrish, M. A.El Yagoubi, E.Jha, S. K.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2023-11-222023-11-222023Some problems and questions in an area of psycho-social adaptation / O. Tkachenko, H. Khairddine, M. A. Moukrish, E. El Yagoubi, S. K. Jha // Proceedings of the X-th International scientific and practical conference “Innovative scientific research: theory and practice” (Stockholm, Sweden, November 21-24, 2023). – Stockholm : International Science Group, 2023. – P. 398–401. adaptation assessment and problems represent important modern area of theoretical and applied research, particularly in the International students and refugees. Multi-disciplinary health research must be scientific branch in priority based into significant integration between theoretical and applied subjects; human behavior predicting is paid an attention not only by psychologists, but the teachers and doctors as well. Human typologies study is in the scientific focus in many countries both in theoretical and applied aspect; scientific works’ big row is dedicated to control locus, in part, health control locus study separately and together with other typological aspects. International students and immigrants adaptation multi-faceted character should be paid much more attention, in our opinion. The authors emphasize to terminology in the area of corresponding research that is of crucial importance to prevent acculturative stress and moreover shock development in people of mentioned groups especially.encontrol locusJ. Rotter theoryhealth control locusself-esteem, academic successmotivationhuman behaviorlearning stylescultural transitioncross-cultural transitiontrans-cultural transitionadaptationcross-cultural copingcoping scalesgender typological aspectage typological aspectcomplex typological aspectsmulti-disciplinary health researchinternalizing problemsexternalizing problemsmultidisciplinary integrationinter-disciplinary integrationSome problems and questions in an area of psycho-social adaptationThesis