Dvornyk, V. M.Kuz, G. M.Teslenko, O. I.Ryabushko, N. O.Marchenko, K. V.Yeris, L. B.Дворник, Валентин МиколайовичКузь, Гельфіра МаліківнаТесленко, Олександра ІванівнаРябушко, Наталія ОлексіївнаМарченко, Костянтин ВалентиновичЄрис, Любов Борисівна2023-03-012023-03-012021Algorithms of writing of academic case history in the clinic of prosthetic dentistry : for students of the dental faculty / V. M. Dvornyk, G. M. Kuz, O. I. Teslenko [et al.]. – Poltava, 2021. – 72 с.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20182During the period of study at the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, a dental student must master the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the specialty. Tasks of the textbook - to help the student to demonstrate mastery of methods of examination, diagnosis and treatment of patients who visit a prosthodontist, and to fill a case history. The purpose of the students` work is:  to learn clinical and laboratory methods of examination of patients in the clinic of prosthetic dentistry, to build the diagnostic process correctly, to analyze the clinical situation, and to formulate a diagnosis on the basis of the obtained data.  to make a treatment plan, to determine the rational design of the denture in order to restore the integrity of the dentition and eliminate other morphological disorders of the maxillofacial area, to normalize the functions of the maxillofacial system, muscles of the oral and peri-oral area;  restoration of norms of facial aesthetics, prevention of possible complications, deformities and diseases of the maxillofacial area, social and medical rehabilitation of dental patients.enprosthodonticsортопедична стоматологіяcase historyісторія хворобиAlgorithms of writing of academic case history in the clinic of prosthetic dentistryАлгоритми написання академічної історії хвороби в клініці ортопедичної стоматологіїBook