Sheshukova, O. V.Kuz, I. O.Kostenko, V. O.Akimov, O. Ye.Maksymenko, A. I.Pysarenko, O. A.Lyakhova, N. O.Шешукова, Ольга ВікторівнаКузь, Ірина ОлексіївнаКостенко, Віталій ОлександровичАкімов, Олег ЄвгеновичМаксименко, Аліна ІванівнаПисаренко, Олена АнатоліївнаЛяхова, Наталія Олександрівна2024-04-302024-04-302022Functioning of NO-cycle in the oral fluid of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis / O. V. Sheshukova, I. O. Kuz, V. O. Kostenko [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2022. – Vol. LXXV, issure 3. – P. 654–659. aim: To determine the activity of NO-synthase and arginase in oral fluid in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment scheme we elaborated in the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. Materials and methods: 82 children were examined, they were divided into groups by presence of gingivitis and diabetes mellitus. NO-synthase (NOS) activity was determined in oral fluid by the difference in nitrite concentration before and after incubation. The arginase activity was determined in oral fluid by the difference in the concentration of L-ornithine before and after incubation. Results: Use our treatment scheme in children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis and type 1 diabetes mellitus lead to a change in the polarization of oral macrophages towards the predominance of M2 polarization in 1 month. The polarization of macrophages changed to the predominance of M1 polarization activity in 1 year. Conclusions: We have elaborated a scheme for the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. It normalizes the polarization of oral macrophages caused by exposure to chronic catarrhal gingivitis as a local pathogenetic factor.entype 1 diabetes mellitusmacrophagesgingivitisiNO-synthasearginaseFunctioning of NO-cycle in the oral fluid of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitisArticle