Loban’, G. A.Hancho, O. V.Chereda, V. V.Лобань, Галина АндріївнаГанчо, Ольга ВалеріївнаЧереда, Вікторія Володимирівна2018-04-252018-04-252011Loban G. A. Immunomicrobiocenosis of periodontal pockets of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis / G. A. Loban, O. V. Hancho, V. V. Chereda // J. Innovative Medicine and Biology. ‒ 2011. ‒ № 3. – P. 8–17.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7757The data about quantitative and qualitative composition of periodontal pockets microflora and unspecific immune resistance factors of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis in comparison with crevicular fluid microflora of the people with intact periodontium were presented in this article.engeneralized periodontitismicrofloraperiodontal pocketsphagocytosislysozymeImunomicrobiocenosis of Periodontal Pockets of Patients With Chronic Generalized PeriodontitisArticle