Tkachenko, Olena ViktorivnaChentir, WassimBourtal, YassirBaidi, AymanDarkouch, AymanТкаченко, Олена Вікторівна2024-03-182024-03-182024Dependence of organism sensitivity to external factors on human typological belonging / O. Tkachenko, W. Chentir, Ya. Bourtal, A. Baidi, A. Darkouch // Ресурсно-орієнтоване навчання в «3D»: доступність, діалог, динаміка : матеріали IV Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф, м. Полтава, 22–23 лютого 2024 р. – Полтава, 2024. – С. 538–540. authors describe a problem of modern people increased sensitivity to external factors while discussing essentiality to take human typological belonging into obligatory consideration that was and is realized by specialists of theoretical and applied Biology and Medicine from many countries both under physiological and pathological conditions in part, ethnic, gender, age, interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, control locus, behavioral strategies as typological aspects separately and in complex. Health control locus at different diseases, climate changes and their unfavorable consequences, some diseases peculiarities in various countries, solastalgia, radiosensitivity varieties dependently on typological belonging represent some partial questions of this brief literary review.enorganism sensitivity to external factorstypological aspectstypological belongingethnic typological aspectgender typological aspectage typological aspecturbanizationinterhemispherical asymmetry individual profileleft-handersright-handersinistersdextersleft-handednessright-handednessdexteritycontrol locusallergy pathologymutational loadsolastalgianon-resistance to physical loadingsimproper physical trainingDependence of organism sensitivity to external factors on human typological belongingThesis